Five Class Reunions Held During Henderson Community Days
Community Days Class Reunions - 1958, 1963, 1973, 1998, 2003
It’s become a great tradition during Henderson Community Days to hold class reunions, and this year had a few! The Class of 1958, 1963, 1973, 1998, and 2003 all came together over the weekend, celebrating with plenty of laughter, reminiscing, and storytelling.
Heartland to Hold Special Election August 15
The Heartland Community School expansion project encountered another roadblock on the last day of the Nebraska Legislative session on June 1.
Heartland’s Elementary Summer Library Program in Full Swing
Henderson may not have a public library, but the Heartland Community School libraries more than makeup for it. School may be out, but the elementary library welcomes preschool and elementary students to come in out of the heat and check out some books in their air-conditioned library.
Heartland Elementary Field Day Was a Winner
The Heartland Elementary kids look forward to this day all year, and it finally arrived this Tuesday, May 2! The ornery spring weather cooperated with sunshine, some manageable wind, and warmer temps making for a festive day at the Heartland track.
Henderson Community Garden Gets Helping Hands From Heartland FCS Students
It's great to see Heartland students "dig in," helping with a community project. In the past few weeks, students in Anne Regier's Family Consumer Science classes did some community volunteering for the Henderson Community Garden.
Bradshaw 2023 Alumni Banquet
The annual Bradshaw Alumni Banquet will be held on Sunday, May 28th, at the Bradshaw Community Center.
Sandy Creek Lockdown Shuts Down Track Meet
It’s usually Mother Nature who plays havoc with track season, but this morning it was something much more serious. What started as a great spring day to be going to the Sandy Creek Invitational Track Meet turned into a disappointing ride back home for the Huskies.
Sandhill Crane Field Trip
A few weeks ago, Heartland’s sophomores and juniors took a field trip to the Rowe Sanctuary and the Crane Trust Nature & Visitor Center,...