Local 10-Year-Old Provides Meals for Children through Lemonade Stand
Amidst the games, crafts, and excitement of Mystery Island Bible School at FEBC, the students were introduced to a mission organization that would have...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:June 30: Glyphosate resistant palmer amaranth field day, 8:30 Reg. 9:00-1 p.m. program, Carleton, RSVP Required: https://agronomy.unl.edu/palmerJune 30: 2021 Stocker/Yearling Summer Meeting and Tour, 9:30 a.m.-4:30...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:June 23: SCAL Weed Management Field Day, 8:30 a.m. Reg. 9:00-1 p.m. program, Clay Center, RSVP required: https://agronomy.unl.edu/fielddayJune 29: Interseeded Cover Crops into Corn and Soybean...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:June 14: BQA Certification Training, Albion. RSVP required for meal. Call 308-536-2691 or email brad.schick@unl.eduJune 15, 22, 29: Webinar-Dealing with Conflict for Farm and Ranch Families, 3:30-5 p.m.,...
Heritage Park Presents: “The First 35 Mennonite Families to York and...
Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park presents “The First 35 Mennonite Families to York and Hamilton Counties in 1874 – Their Journey, Their Stories” at a...
Kori Siebert Becomes New Chamber Director
Kori Siebert became the Executive Director of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce in May.
As a 2017 graduate of Heartland, she attended Wayne State...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:June 8: Wheat Variety Tour, 6:30-8 p.m., Mark Knobel Farm, Fairbury, https://croptechcafe.org/wheatplottour/June 9: Living Room Learning: Food + Science, 10 a.m., Register: http://4h.unl.edu/living-room-learningJune 9: Precision Nitrogen and WestBred...
Henderson Farmers Market Meal Schedule
The Henderson Farmer's Market is underway for the 2021 season!
Along with shopping the various vendors, you can plan to grab your supper on...