Monday, March 3, 2025


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Track: Heartland Girls Win and Boys Place Second at District Meet...

Keeping in step with a season pattern of finishes, the Heartland Girls Track Team won the C-4 District Meet yesterday with 131 points, and...

Class of 2017 Graduates from Heartland [PHOTOS] [VIDEO]

Heartland Community Schools graduated 20 students on Sunday, May 7. Along with the traditional graduation ceremony, the class had two specials guests in attendance....

Heartland Community Schools Holds First Annual Academic Letter of Intent Day...

Most of us are familiar with the athletic National Letter of Intent ceremonies held in the spring in high schools across the country. Heartland...

Track: Girls Placed 1st & Boys 2nd at Conference [RESULTS] [PHOTOS]

The Heartland Track Teams competed in their conference meet on Monday. It was a great day for the girls who won the meet with 115...

Track: Central Nebraska Track Championships and Sutton Quad [RESULTS] [PHOTOS]

This week of track began with select Heartland athletes competing at the Central Nebraska Track Championships in Grand Island on Monday. The athletes had...

Heartland Prom 2017 [PHOTOS] [VIDEO]

Heartland Community Schools held their prom on Saturday, April 24. The evening began with the juniors and seniors enjoying a meal with a magician...

Project Panali: Henderson Couple Journeyed to Nicaragua

  At the end of February, one Henderson couple had the opportunity to explore God’s work nearly 3,000 miles away in the Central American country...