York County Press Release
YORK – There have already been two broadband expansion projects (one completed, one to get underway very soon) in rural York County, to make high speed internet available to those living in the rural areas.
That number of projects is about to grow, thanks to a federal/state project in Nebraska. In fact, when this project is completed, “nearly all locations in York County will be connected to broadband infrastructure by the end of 2029 or earlier.”
Oliver Borchers from the Southeast Nebraska Development District (SENDD) was asked by York County Commissioner Chairman Randy Obermier to speak with the York County Commissioners about this upcoming project which will impact the county as numerous projects have been identified here.
Providers are being asked to bid for projects. Federal/state money will be used to pay for 75% of each project with the provider being responsible for 25%.
In Nebraska, $405 million is being available statewide for 29,597 locations. The funds are being administered by the Nebraska Broadband Office.
Borchers explained how there are 11 project areas and 1,832 eligible locations in York County.
Many of the project areas, throughout the state, cross over county lines. That’s also the case here.
Borchers said the key preference, as far as the form of infrastructure, is fiber “as it is more reliable. We might see some wireless, which isn’t a bad thing.”
He said projects will start in the summer. There is a four-year build out allowed, but he thinks the projects will go much faster than that.
Obermier noted how he hears from rural residents in a variety of locations throughout the county, who would benefit from new broadband opportunities because they are unserved or underserved now.
“This will be a big thing for York County, and the state as a whole,” Obermier added.
Borchers provided maps showing the 11 project areas which will impact York County. These maps are included with this story.