Home News City of Henderson February 2025 Minutes

City of Henderson February 2025 Minutes


The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska, was held at 7:00 p.m. on February 11, 2025, at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska.  Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall and published in the February 6, 2025, Henderson News.  

Mayor Corbin Tessman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Mayor Tessman declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and having received related information. Mayor Tessman referred to the open meetings law poster and stated if a member of the public wishes to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the public forum period. The public may request the item to be placed on a future agenda for deliberation and/or action.  

During the public forum period, speakers will be given five minutes to address the Board. The public should be aware that the Board is unable, by law, to deliberate or act on the items raised during the public forum period.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Corbin Tessman.  Council members: Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen and Teri Pollet. 

Minutes from the January 13, 2025 meeting were reviewed. Kevin Friesen made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

Teri Pollet made a motion to pay the claims as presented. Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

One demolition permit was issued since the last meeting. It was for Heartland Community School to remove bins.

Derek Hiebner was present to discuss the Mahindra vehicle he has purchased and how to have it become legal to drive within city limits as it does not meet the standards of a licensed vehicle or a side-by-side.  Mayor Tessman recommended the city should seek legal counsel on this matter.  Chief Prusia mentioned he had discussed this with Senator Hughes about having State Legislation look into this matter also.  No formal action taken.

Lowell Hiebner and Lance Hiebner, owners of Hiebner Body Shop, were present to discuss the possibility of extending city water and sewer to their place of business as they look into possible future expansion plans. This discussion will continue as more information is available.

Terry and Brooke McBride were present to discuss forgiveness on the USDA Revolving Loan they have with the City for Sparrow’s Branch Café as the café is no longer in business.  After discussion, Kevin Friesen made a motion to offer the McBrides to repay only the outstanding principal amount with no interest until the loan is paid off.  Brian Hiebner seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to convene as the Community Development Agency (CDA).  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve CDA Resolution #2025-02. The resolution rescinds Resolution 2025-01 (the Previous Resolution that did not proceed forward), it allows an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan of the City of Henderson; the implementation of a specific phase of a redevelopment project in the redevelopment area; the authorization of the use of tax increment financing; the adoption of the cost benefit analysis for said phase; the authorization and approval of a redevelopment agreement for the phase of the redevelopment project; and to take other actions required or permitted under the Community Development Law for Providence Subdivision for Lot 6.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to approve the Amended and Restated Cost Benefit Analysis for Lot 6 of the Providence Subdivision Redevelopment.  Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

Teri Pollet made a motion to approve the Amended and Restated Plan Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for Lot 6 in the Providence Subdivision. Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll, Kevin Friesen and Brian Hiebner.  Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to approve the Redevelopment Agreement for Lot 6 in the Providence Subdivision with Lee Polivka. Brian Hiebner seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve the Purchase Agreement for Lot 6 in the Providence Subdivision with Lee Polivka in the amount of $8,465. Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet, Kevin Friesen and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to reconvene as city council.  Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Brian Hiebner.  Motion carried.

The Sargent Drilling’s Contract from the January meeting was reviewed again.  It was clarified the electrical portion of the project is not included in this contract. After discussion, Kevin Friesen made a motion to accept Sargent Drilling’s contract in the amount of $37,092 for the variable frequency drive (VFD), the water probe without the digital display and the chemical feed equipment for Well #2.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

The bid from 34 Electric LLC was reviewed for the electrical work and generator for Well #2 as this was the only bid submitted for the project.  After discussion, Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve 34 Electric LLC’s bid in the amount of $81,325 for a Cummins Natural Gas Generator, installation of gas line, electrical work for Well #2, VFD, water probe, and automatic transfer switch.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

The quotes from York Equipment, Akrs, and Grand Kubota were reviewed for a new utility tractor to replace the existing Kubota.  York Equipment’s quote for a new Bobcat CT2540 with trade was $21,750.00; Akrs quote for a new John Deere 3039R with trade was $45,599.41; and Grand Kubota’s quote for a new Kubota L4040HSTC-LE with trade was $41,800.00.  

After comparing the utility tractors, Brian Hiebner made a motion to purchase the Bobcat CT2540 Compact Utility Tractor from York Equipment in the amount of $21,750.00 with the trade of the existing Kubota B3350 HSD and front mount broom; and to also purchase a 62″ Front Mount Snowblower with necessary kits for $8,850.50 and to upgrade the 5′ bucket to a 6′ bucket for $175.00 for a total of $30,775.50.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

At 8:13 p.m., Teri Pollet made a motion to convene into executive session to discuss negotiations for an access road for upcoming Highland Addition construction and also for the next lot for the Rural Workforce Housing Project.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Kevin Friesen.  Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner and Corbin Tessman excused themselves from the executive session during the lot purchase negotiations due to conflict of interest of being part owners of the lot.

At 8:36 p.m., Kevin Friesen made a motion to reconvene as regular session.  Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

Reports were given. No formal action taken.

Teri Pollet made a motion to adjourn.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Kevin Friesen.  Motion carried.

Corbin Tessman, Mayor

Connie Brown, City Clerk