Home News Public Hearing Notice for Four Corners Health Department Renovations

Public Hearing Notice for Four Corners Health Department Renovations


York County Press Release

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at or soon after 9:00 A.M. in the  York County Courthouse, 510 N. Lincoln Ave., Room 106, York, Nebraska, and the York County Commission will hold a Public Hearing concerning an existing Community Development Block Grant  Emergent Threat Coronavirus (CDBG-EMCV) project benefitting the Four Corners Health Department  (FCHD).  

FCHD is a regional public health organization currently undertaking renovations in the amount of $355,000 of CDBG-EMCV funding. The current scope of work includes: a) $340,000 for 03P  Health Facilities improvements to the site’s air filtration system, and the removal of architectural barriers that restrict mobility and accessibility for elderly and severely disabled and to include health and safety items, ramps, handicap viewing platforms, lobby access, fire protection, plumbing,  restrooms and electrical work; b) $5,000 for 03P Construction Management; and c) $10,000 for 21A  Grant Administrative costs.  

The contract amendment would include an increased scope of work and project budget, a contract extension, and a change in proposed accomplishments. Additional work to be undertaken includes: improvements to the facility’s West Wing, including painting, carpet installation, and HVAC  replacement; soffit repair, exterior weatherproofing, and repair of termite damage; lighting replacement; life safety (fire code) improvements; storefront/facade improvements; and window replacement. If approved, the amended project expenses include $715,000 in 03P Health Facilities improvements, b) $10,000 in 03P Construction Management, and c) $25,000 in 21A General Administration. The project will be completed in 2025.  

In addition, it is not anticipated that additional match funds will be required; however, in the event this occurs, all local funds will be provided by the FCHD. Total amended project costs are estimated at $750,000. There are no plans for displacement of people as a result of this  CDBG-Community Development activity. However, the county will adopt a plan to assist persons who are actually displaced by any CDBG assisted activities.  

The grant application will be available for public inspection at the County Clerk’s office during regular working hours. All interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing, at which time you will have an opportunity to be heard regarding the grant application. Written and oral testimony will also be accepted at the public hearing scheduled for 9:00 A.M., February 18, 2025, at the  York County Courthouse, 510 N. Lincoln Ave., Room 106, York, Nebraska. Written comments addressed to the County Clerk, 510 N. Lincoln Ave., York, Nebraska, 68467, will also be accepted if postmarked on or before Friday, February 14, 2025.  

Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and non-English speaking  individuals provided that a one-day notice is received by the York County Commission.