Home Agriculture Agriculture news Nebraska Corn Board Research and Demand Internship Opportunity

Nebraska Corn Board Research and Demand Internship Opportunity


Nebraska Corn Board Press Release

February 5, 2024

LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Corn Board (NCB) is seeking applicants to take part in a research and demand internship experience hosted in Lincoln at NCB’s home office. The internship is designed to provide students with an overview of Nebraska’s corn industry through real-world professional examples and experiences.

This internship has responsibilities which include assisting with coordinating international teams visiting the U.S., helping build and maintain research partnerships, organizing site visits and creating outreach materials.

Nebraska Corn internships are open to all college students, with a preference given to students enrolled in colleges or universities located in Nebraska. The application process can be found online at nebraskacorn.gov/internships/. The submission deadline is Friday, February 28, 2025. 

The Nebraska Corn Board is funded through a producer checkoff investment of one-cent-per-bushel checkoff on all corn marketed in the state and is managed by nine farmer directors. The mission of the Nebraska Corn Board to increase the value and sustainability of Nebraska corn through promotion, market development and research.