Senior Carter Siebert led the team with 8 points.
It was a bittersweet night for a few reasons on Friday night at the Heartland Huskie gym. With the new sports cooperative on the horizon, it was the last basketball game for the Heartland Huskies. Next year, the Huskie mascot will be replaced with a yet-to-be-named mascot and Heartland and Hampton will be combined for all sports except football, as had been reported.
It was also the final night officiating for the three referees at the Huskie-Trojan basketball game. After their final game at Heartland, they were recognized by the crowd and given a round of applause. They have refereed around 8,000 basketball games in their careers.

Pictured from left to right are Scott Gaines (46 years), Gary Pence (50 years) and Chuck Lewis (30 years).

BOYS INDIVIDUAL SCORING VS. TRI COUNTY: Siebert 8, Wetjen 6, Quiring 5, Friesen 3, Goertzen 3, Gloystein 2, Newton 2, and Switzer 2.
The Huskies had a rough night and could not hit their shots to stay in the game. It was a very physical game, and the Trojans’ defense stifled the Huskies after the first quarter. The Huskies finish their regular season with a 4-17 record, and the Trojans are 8-14.
On Monday, the Huskies will play in the C2-7 subdistricts against Hi-Line (Elwood-Eustis-Farnam) at Grand Island Central Catholic at 6 p.m.
The Heartland Pep Band was in fine form for the final game, with some special alumni and retired band director Royce Schwitzer picking up his trumpet and joining the pep band!