Heartland Community Schools website press release
The early childhood facility that is being constructed as a part of Heartland’s comprehensive facilities project is on track to be completed by early summer. Over the past few months, the Heartland Board of Education has been working to secure a partner to operate daycare services in the new early childhood facility.
In January, the board reviewed letters of interest from potential partners who would be interested in operating a daycare facility within the new building. In February, the board selected the Henderson Child Development Center (HCDC) as the preferred partner for providing daycare services inside the new facility. HCDC officials and Heartland’s board are currently working together on finalizing a lease agreement that would allow HCDC to operate private daycare operations within the new facility.
The Heartland Board of Education hopes to approve a final agreement with HCDC in March. Through this partnership, the district would provide the space/facility to HCDC, and HCDC would provide the actual daycare services and run its operations entirely separate from the operations of the school district.
The new facility will have a total capacity to serve up to 40 children, ages 6 weeks up to 5 years old. Completion of the newly constructed building, as well as HCDC’s licensure process, will ultimately dictate when the HCDC daycare can begin operations inside of the new facility. August 1st is currently a rough estimate for when HCDC might be able to begin providing daycare services inside the newly constructed facility.