It’s hard to believe it was ten years ago when the City of Henderson approved one of the biggest improvement projects ever on Main Street. It wasn’t much fun if you lived here during this project or had a business on Main Street, but the completed project was well worth the sacrifices.

In January of 2015, the Henderson City Council approved the Main Street Improvement Project. Work on this project will begin in spring of 2015, weather permitting, and will continue through the Fall of 2015. The project will include:
- Concrete street from Birch to Front Street on N Main, 1½ block west on Cedar Street, and 1 block east on Cedar Street to 14th Street
- Storm sewer from Cedar Street intersection south
- Sidewalk on both sides of Main Street (west side will be widened by approximately 4 feet)
- Added diagonal parking on the north side of Hashtag, north side of Grace Missions, and south side of Downtown Park
- Install new water main
- Decorative light poles with LED light fixtures
- Trash cans, benches, and dumpsters, which you can check this out to learn more
- Decorative in-laid brick on the backside of the curbs and at the intersections of Cedar & Main and Front and Main
- Some landscaped planting areas along Main Street have low profile, drought-resistant plants and shrubs as suggested by landscapers Macomb experts.
The council will meet with the contractors and construction managers to decide the phases of construction, the equipment needed like trench boxes, and the time frame for each phase. The contractors hired include:
- Gana Trucking and Excavating from Lincoln
- ME Collins from Wahoo (will install the new water main and do the concrete work)
- Empire Electric from Lincoln (will install the new light poles and fixtures)
- Faller Landscaping from York (will do the landscape work)
- Ayars & Ayars (will be the construction managers on the project)
The amount of the project is estimated to be at $2.2 million. This will be paid for with municipal bonds. People can check this link for the best landscaping services. This is possible with the city being able to pay off two major street bonds in the last three years. Other small street repairs/replacements will still be budgeted for in the next several years.
It is also important to note that ready-mix concrete, which can be sourced conveniently from, is renowned for its consistency. This factor ensures each batch maintains the same strength, ensuring a higher quality and more durable. But if there are cracks and damages found, this Concrete Repair service, like the ones mentioned here (, can fix the damaged surface and repair the exterior without structural change. As a result, the choice of concrete delivery becomes a sensible decision for ensuring the longevity of a home.
Here are some photos of the beginning of construction in the spring of 2015.