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Setting Healthy New Year’s Goals


Four Corners Health Dept. Press Release

As we start a new year, you often hear comments about resolutions, new beginnings, or even goals. Some people try to set New Year’s goals at the beginning of every year, while others don’t at all. Setting goals can be good as long as it is done right. So, what does a healthy goal look like? Here are some tips to help you set good goals this year. 

Set a goal YOU want to reach: If you set a goal because somebody else told you that you have to do it, you aren’t as likely to reach it. But, if you choose something you want to do for yourself, you’re more likely to be more invested and try harder. 

Set small goals: You are more likely to be motivated to work towards a goal that feels easier to reach. For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds, start by setting a goal for losing 5 pounds.  

Be specific: If your goal is to exercise more, that’s great. But what does that mean? You are much more likely to reach a goal if you know when you are achieving it. For example, instead of saying “I’m going to be more active.”, say “My goal is to do at least 30 minutes of active movement, 5 days a week”. That way you’re not limiting yourself to just one type of exercise. Also, you can more easily check a box each day to know if you reached your goal. 

Allow yourself to have fun: A goal is easier to reach if you have fun while doing it. Want to get more physical activity? Dance or play tag with the kids! 

More information can be found here: https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2010/12/making-your-resolutions-stick or https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/making-new-years-resolutions-that-stick

We want to help you reach your goals! Four Corners has many programs and lots of education on health. Check out our website and follow our social channels. We often share information and upcoming events! Reach out to us if you have questions or need help! 

For questions or to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573 or email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov. Visit the Four Corners website at https://fourcorners.ne.gov. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel @fc_healthdept!