Home Living Staying Healthy in Winter

Staying Healthy in Winter


Press Release: From Four Corners Health Department

The holidays and winter months can make it more challenging to take care of ourselves. This may be due to colder weather or more demands on our time. Try to stick to healthy routines. Look for ways to start a new positive routine. Here are some tips:  

Keep moving

Take breaks in your workday for a mini-workout or to stretch. Try chair yoga. Keep resistance bands and light weights in your workspace. Even 10 minutes of physical activity a few times a day, can have positive health benefits. 

Plan for indoor workouts

Explore online workouts, videos and apps that make it easier to get your heart rate up inside your home.  

Make your lunch instead of getting take-out

Making lunch at home can be a healthier option than getting food from a restaurant. Plus, it can save you money! 

Drink water

Choose water more often than soda or other sugary beverages. Keep water interesting by adding fruit. 

Clean your surfaces

Every week or so, wipe your keyboard and other commonly touched surfaces with a disinfectant cloth. This can help to prevent the spread of germs. Be sure to wash your hands frequently.

Consider getting a flu vaccine

A flu vaccine can benefit you and those around you. 

Stress less

Start a habit of deep breathing. Give yourself breaks from screens. Walk around the office, look out the window for a moment, or listen to music. Having a habit of calming activities can make challenging events less stressful. 

Take care of your mental health 

When you take care of yourself, you are better able to be there for others. How are you feeling these days? To explore your feelings and get resources to help, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/howrightnow/index.html   Also, we all think and feel better when we get the sleep we need.

For questions or to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573 or email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov

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