Home School Heartland FFA Travels to 97th National FFA Convention

Heartland FFA Travels to 97th National FFA Convention


Members who attended the National FFA Convention had the opportunity to visit the iconic career show, watch national competitions, attend workshops, and watch members in the Talent competition. Pictured from L to R front row are KatrinaMarie Epp, Emma Ott, Andrew Onnen, Madison Mason, Lexi Inglsbee; Back row Maddie Janzen and Braden Janzen – courtesy photo

Heartland FFA Press Release

At the end of October, seven Heartland FFA members had the chance to travel to Indianapolis, Indiana, for the 97th National FFA Convention. In order to attend, members had to fill out and submit an application. Those members that attended the convention were: KatrinaMarie Epp, Madison Mason, Emma Ott, Madalyn Janzen, Lexi Inglsbee, Braden Janzen, and Andrew Onnen.

On the first day of the trip, members traveled toward Indianapolis, stopping at Hummel Livestock in Cabery, Illinois. Here they got to learn about their Savannah Cat operation, as well as show goat and cattle operations. Then these seven students finished off the night with a chapter meal at Cracker Barrel.

At the beginning of the second day, members finished their travels to Indianapolis and attended the expo center all day. After their day at the Expo Center, they went to the hotel, where they had the chance to explore the Keystone Mall for the evening.

On Thursday, they traveled to Reproductive Services Group (RSG) and learned about what they do with the artificial insemination processes for sheep and goats. Then, members traveled back to the Convention and Expo Center. There, they continued to explore the Convention Center and learn more about FFA through workshops, watching national competitions, and exploring the career show. Toward the end of the day, they traveled to Conner Prairie for the Headless Horseman encounter.

On Friday, members started their day with a tour at Fair Oaks Farm, where they learned about their dairy and swine operations. Then they traveled back to the Indianapolis Art Center and returned to the hotel for the evening.

On the last day of the trip, members attended the American Degree Ceremony and then traveled home.

The National FFA Convention was a great experience for all members who attended, and they learned so much more about FFA and the agriculture industry.