Home Faith Higher Ground – “Rejoicing in the Midst of Uncertainty” from Pastor Chelsea...

Higher Ground – “Rejoicing in the Midst of Uncertainty” from Pastor Chelsea Vaught


“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NRSVUE) 

During the past few years, there have been several times when Philippians 4:4-7 has been referred to in various ways. These verses encourage us to rejoice even during those moments when we are filled with uncertainty, worry, and fear.  We can rejoice regardless of what happens in our life because the Lord is near.  The Lord is near in the joyful and challenging moments we face in our lives.  

There are seasons in our lives when, for whatever reason, we get so wrapped up in the uncertainty, worry, or fear that we are experiencing that we forget to trust and listen to God.  It is during these moments when we worry about everything, and when we worry that we are worrying too much, that we are forgetting to trust in God to protect, lead, and guide us.  During these times, we are invited to place our trust in God and to listen for God’s voice which requires waiting.  And we each know that there are times when it is incredibly hard to wait.  Yet, this is when the way of Jesus is shown to us.  

It is in those moments of waiting and when we are the most vulnerable that God protects us because the Lord is near. Even in those times when we are filled with worry, fear, or uncertainty – and when we need encouragement because we are discouraged by the complexities and challenges that life brings our way – what we can count on is God’s presence, which then becomes the source of our joy.  

May you find ways to rejoice during the different uncertainty, worry or fear you may be experiencing in your life.  We can rejoice in times of uncertainty because regardless of whatever it is that you are currently facing in your lives – the Lord is near each one of you.  And for that, we can give thanks to God.  Amen.

Pastor Chelsea Vaught

Bethesda Mennonite Church – Henderson