Home Living National Public Health Week: Protecting, Connecting & Thriving

National Public Health Week: Protecting, Connecting & Thriving


Four Corners Health Department Press Release

National Public Health Week is April 1-7th. This year’s theme is “Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We Are All Public Health.” This theme highlights the fact that “public health is more than just health care. It’s making sure our food and water are safe to eat and drink. It’s also the relationships we foster in our communities. We’re all interconnected. When we all come together to support public health, all of us — individuals, families, communities, and the public health field — can achieve the goals of public health.” 

The CDC Foundation defines public health as “The science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.” Four Corners Health Department has a mission “To promote health, prevent disease and protect the environment, improving the health of the Four Corners Community.” Our vision is “A healthy, safe, and connected Four Corners Community- everyone, everywhere, every day.” We strive to share this message with our district and to encourage others to engage in wellness, especially through connecting with others in the community.

Every day, each of us faces choices that can impact our health.  Do I wear a seatbelt today or skip it?  Do I ignore my doctor’s advice or take it?  Do I fill half of my plate with vegetables or a 16 oz. steak?  Am I allowing myself to take some time off, or am I pushing myself too hard?  Some choices are more work, and some more fun than others; we need to recognize those things that work to support the health of our body and mind. Even if we are living with a chronic health condition, we can make good choices that can add to our well-being. Public health is here to give people the information they need to make healthy choices.

While public health helps each of us learn about healthy choices, that is not all it is. Public health is also about reaching out to the community through various media and outreach programs such as bulletin boards, newspaper articles, health fairs, prevention programs, and more. The public in “public health” is you. While you may not realize it, public health surrounds our community. 

Make the most of the public health opportunities around you to take steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Health is important every day, not just when you don’t feel well. Take some time to go to a local health fair, attend a presentation, or even read a press release such as this one. 

Four Corners has many active projects, and we are always looking for community involvement. There are online surveys where you can share your input, a listing of presentations to be given, and other events you can take part in! To stay up to date on what we are doing and how you can be involved, check out the events page on our website found here: https://fourcorners.ne.gov/community-ed-training/upcoming-events-workshops/

For questions or to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573. You can also email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov.

Visit the Four Corners website at https://fourcorners.ne.gov. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Subscribe to our YouTube channel @fc_healthdept!