Home Sports Boys Golf 2024 Heartland Boys Golf Preview

2024 Heartland Boys Golf Preview


Heartland Boys Head Golf Coach Chad Buzek and Assistant Coach Paige Peters

The Heartland 2024 Boys Golf Team has 15 boys out this spring. Returning varsity players are Creighton Friesen, Andrew Franz, Ryan Hiebner, and Zach Miller. Head Coach Chad Buzek is excited about the upcoming season and the returning talent on the team. Heartland Elementary teacher Paige Peters will be the new assistant coach this year and brings a wealth of golf experience. She played collegiate golf at Wayne State, and Coach Buzek is very excited about having her assisting the team.

“Last year at the state meet, we placed 8th, and Creighton placed 4th individually. This experience and success will definitely affect how well we do this year. I expect Creighton and Andrew to be our number 1 and 2 players, and with our other varsity players, we should be able to put together a good team,” said Buzek.

Jack McCormick, Jordan Nolan, and Austin Schmidt are returning lettermen on the team. Coach Buzek expects the team to compete and place at every meet this year individually and as a team. Hayden Powers and Maddox Regier are incoming freshmen.

Another addition to the program this year was the purchase of a golf simulator. According to Buzek, it has allowed the team to practice inside and take advantage of the analytics it provides about their swings. “The Booster Club, school, and golf team all contributed towards the purchase of the simulator, and the Heartland shop class built a room to house it on the old stage,” said Buzek. He opens it up in the mornings before school for any team members to practice on.

The golf team will have a warmup competition in a dual with Sutton at Galaway Creek on Tuesday, March 26, before they begin regular meets. All team members will be able to participate in the dual, according to Coach Buzek.

2024 Boys Golf Team: Front Row L – R: Jack McCormick, Ben Janzen, Hunter Perez, Andrew Franz, Ryan Hiebner; Second Row: Creighton Friesen, Zach Miller, Blake Goerten, Austin Schmidt; Third Row: Braden Ogorzolka, Leo McCormick, Will Regier, Andrew Onnen; Back Row: Maddox Regier, Hayden Powers. Not pictured Jordan Nolan and student manager Jake Mierau.