Community Days Class Reunions – 1958, 1963, 1973, 1998, 2003
It’s become a great tradition during Henderson Community Days to hold class reunions, and this year had a few! The Class of 1958, 1963, 1973, 1998, and 2003 all came together over the weekend, celebrating with plenty of laughter, reminiscing, and storytelling.
The class of 1958 (19 class members in attendance) celebrated their 65th reunion at the Sparrow’s Branch Cafe on Thursday evening in Henderson. They enjoyed a brunch hosted by Arlyce Friesen at her home on Friday morning. That afternoon they toured the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park, where they had apple prieshka and coffee with live entertainment by Paul Siebert at the Ag building.
The class of 1963 observed their 60th reunion at Chances R for dinner on Saturday evening. There were 12 classmates in attendance, in addition to spouses.
There were 26 class members in attendance in addition to spouses at the 1973 50th-year class reunion held at Sparrow’s Branch Cafe on Friday evening for dinner and socializing. Afterward, there was a get-together at Lowell & Shannon Siebert’s patio.
The class of 1998 (12 class members in attendance) celebrated their 25th-year reunion at Sparrow’s Branch Cafe on Saturday evening and afterward enjoyed the street dance and music outside the cafe.
Celebrating their 20th reunion was the class of 2003, with 16 class members attending and spouses. They met at Tin Shed Flats for dinner on Saturday evening.