Home Lakeview Park Nebraska Game & Parks Youth Fishing Camp Held at Lakeview Park

Nebraska Game & Parks Youth Fishing Camp Held at Lakeview Park

Five-year-old Brooks Linaberry of Henderson and his grandmother Laurie Linaberry discuss their method of luring in their next catch of the day at the Nebraska Game and Parks Youth Fishing Event. Brooks had the biggest catch of the day, a footlong catfish. Brooks said, "I'll be back again someday!"

By Naomy Snider reprinted from York News-Times

HENDERSON — “I caught the biggest one today,” squealed 5-year-old Brooks Linaberry, fishing pole in one hand and tackle box in the other, skipping his way to the next fishing spot at Henderson’s Lakeside Park

Brooks and his grandmother Laurie Linaberry spent Thursday morning fishing at Nebraska Game and Parks Youth Fishing Camp in Henderson. The weather could not be any more perfect with a little bit of cloud coverage in the morning. Brooks and Laurie were Johnny-on-spot as the first arrivals. Brooks was itching to catch and the fish were ready to feed.

Nebraska Game and Parks Certified Fishing Instructor Steve Moseley knows a good looking fish when he sees one. For about seven years, Moseley — a former News-Times managing editor — has been sharing his fishing knowledge with the youth. Moseley said Brooks had “the first catch and the biggest catch of the day, a foot long channel catfish.”

Moseley and his wife Norma had the less glamorous work of tackling the bobbers, worms and hooks. Moseley said the mission is to “get the kids out in the sun” and introduce them to the sport of fishing. The event is for all kids no matter if they think they are a rookie or an expert. It is a fun, stress free environment for everyone. Moseley said, “We are dealing with a lot of kids who come out here and have never caught a fish. There is no bigger thrill than seeing a kid catch their first fish.”

As Moseley untangled the lining of a well-used fishing pole, he gave a little smirk with a glimmer in his eyes.

“I took my kids fishing and they’ve grown up, took my grandkids fishing and they’ve grown up and I’ve got Norma to fish with me,” said Moseley. He said instructing these events have given him an “endless supply of grandchildren” from all over the state of Nebraska. From Omaha to North Platte, Moseley has done his fair share on multiple other programs for Nebraska Game and Parks including Outdoors Expos, Trout in the Classroom and Carp-O-Ramas.

Fishing is a sport for all ages, from little to old. If 5-year-old Brooks can do it, anyone can do it. You may get a catch, meet a new friend, or have the opportunity to hear Moseley’s fishing jokes.

Moseley said, “These kids are like my grandchildren. The best part about it is I don’t have to feed them. I don’t have to buy them Christmas gifts. All I get to do is play with them and send them home.”