Home Business expansion Klute Steel continues to expand

Klute Steel continues to expand

New large shipping facility at Klute Steel

By Dave Sjuts Business Beat Column York News-Times

If you have traveled west on Highway 34 anytime lately, you might have noticed an addition to the Klute Steel complex located a mile or so to the east of Bradshaw. The company recently completed and is now using the new large shipping facility building that was erected to the north of the main building.

The new 48,000 square foot building will allow for the loading of trucks inside out of the elements. That used to take place outside which in the winter made for some cold days for the shipping crew. The building also houses a wash bay and overhead crane to help with the loading process.

And that’s just Phase 1 of the expansion that will be going on at Klute Steel. Phase 2 will be an even larger building that will be built to the east of the new shipping building, which will house the company’s tapered pole manufacturing process. That building will be 84,000 square feet in size.

Klute Steel has continued to grow since moving to the present facility about 15 years ago, according to owners Steve and Kimm Klute. The company produces a number of different steel products.

“Just about 95% of what we produce is located within the fences at an electrical substation,” said Steve Klute. “We have customers all over the country and have seven different sales reps out there selling our products.”

“Earlier this year, we even had shipments that went to Hawaii and Alaska,” added Kimm. “Of course, all of this wouldn’t be possible without the contributions of our employees who are dedicated to what we are doing here. We certainly appreciate them.”

Those employees now number over 90, and the Klutes estimate that an additional 45 employees could be added after the aforementioned Phase 2 building is completed.

The patriarch of the family, Don Klute, who will be 95 years old this year, can be found helping out too. “Don still comes out regularly,” said Kimm. “He helps with the mowing and also helps out where he can.”

The family-owned business will continue on in good hands also, as the Klutes’ son Jordan was named president of the company this past week.

So, the next time you head west on Highway 34 (or east, depending on where you live), check out what’s happening at Klute Steel. The company is easy to spot and even easier now due to the new signage that went up recently right next to the highway.