Home Events Here We Stand: Pacifist Voices through Drama

Here We Stand: Pacifist Voices through Drama


On Sunday afternoon, August 1st at 3:00 pm, Henderson Heritage Park will be presenting two readers’ theater performances at Heartland Community School’s theater. HERE WE STAND: Pacifist Voices Through Drama will include two ten-minute plays excerpted from a longer play written by author and educator, Lois Thieszen Preheim, who has local ties to the community.  

The first performance is titled CLASSIFIED, which took place in August of 1950. It highlights the experiences of local men facing draft boards for conscientious objector status in Hamilton and York counties. The second performance is titled CITIZEN’S MEETING, which happened in January of 1952. It summarizes Reverend Arnold Nickel’s presentation at a citizen’s meeting in a nearby community. Many of those who attend this readers’ theater event will remember most of the characters in the plays. These thought-provoking scripts are from the book HERE WE STAND: REVEREND ARNOLD NICKEL AND THE BETHESDA MENNONITE CHURCH DURING THE KOREAN WAR. Dr. Preheim will be in attendance that afternoon signing and selling her book.      

Everyone is welcome to come to the Heartland Community School theater on Sunday, August 1st at 3:00 pm. This event coincides with the new, permanent Local Voices of Pacifism exhibit now on display at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Museum and Park. Admission to this event is free, although donations are greatly appreciated.