Home News Community Center Public Hearing on Sunday

Community Center Public Hearing on Sunday


A community center has been an ongoing topic of discussion in Henderson, dating as far back as 1975 according to Henderson records.  The Henderson City Council wants to continue that conversation during a public input meeting on October 20 from 4-5:30 pm., in the Heartland Community School Theater with support from city engineering firm, Miller & Associates.  

The City of Henderson received grant funds in the spring of this year from the Civic and Community Center Financing Fund (CCCFF) for planning and creating a feasibility study for a community center with help from Miller & Associates.  During this two-year phase, the city can prepare to apply for more funding from CCCFF if the project moves forward to the construction phase. 

During the public input meeting, some history about the community center conversation will be given, ideas from the public concerning what should be in the community center as well as location will be discussed and collected, and a timeline for the project will be discussed along with feasibility.  Everyone is encouraged to attend this meeting and refreshments will be served. 

Find our article on this topic from the summer here: http://heartlandbeat.com/2019/08/henderson-community-center-update/