Home Events Register Now for Community Days Events

Register Now for Community Days Events


With Community Days quickly approaching, there are a few events that advanced registration is recommended for in order to participate.  

The Henderson Health Care 5K Run/Walk will take place Saturday morning at a new location, starting in front of the Henderson Health Care Clinic, with pre-registrations due July 9.  You can register at www.hendersonhealthcare.org by using the online registration or contact Henderson Health Care for a printable form. Registration will be accepted after July 9, as well as the day of the event, however, it will cost more to participate. The 5K run begins at 7:30 a.m. and runners should plan to check-in no later than 30 minutes prior to the race start at Henderson Health Care Services. 

A new event this year will be the Glowball Golf event taking place at Galaway Creek Golf Course on Friday night.  Check in begins at 9:00 p.m. and everyone will tee off at 9:30 p.m.  Space is limited for this event.  Contact Galaway Creek Golf Course at 402-723-4828 for details. 

For the first time, Henderson Child Development Center will be hosting Glow in the Park a 1 Mile Fun Run geared towards kids and families.  Advanced registration is $10 to participate and registration the day of the event is $15.  The run will start at 8:30 p.m. at the LakeView Park Shelter and runners will stay on the Lakeview Park trail for the entire run.  Register online with Get Me Registered through the direct link on www.HendersonNE.com/cdays.  

The 3rd Annual Co-Ed Softball Tournament will take place on Friday and Saturday evening this year.   This double elimination tournament for teams of 10 or more costs $10 per person on the team. Teams may register through the event on Facebook by Thursday, July 4th in order to set the brackets, but registration may close sooner if the maximum number of teams is reached.  A direct link to the event can be found at www.hendersonne.com/cdays or by searching 3rd Annual Henderson Community Days Co-Ed Softball Tournament on Facebook. Contact Lance Hiebner for more details. 

The Main Street Parade, is happening on a new day and at a new time, on Friday at 7:30 p.m. The parade will follow a new route this year going directly down Main Street from Birch Street to Oak Street and spectators are encourage to sit anywhere along Main Street.  It is FREE to participate in the parade and all floats, cars, trucks, tractors, motorcycles, bicycles or walking entries are welcome.  Advance registration is helpful through the Chamber office and will get you a spot at the front of the parade, but registration the day of the event is also accepted during check-in starting at 6:30 p.m. at Kurt Goertzen seed building west of the golf course.    

You can find registration forms for all of these events and more at www.HendersonNE.com/cdays or by calling or emailing the Chamber office:  402-723-4228/ hchamber@mainstaycomm.net as Henderson starts to GLOW  for  Community Days July 12-14.