Home Living Health Henderson Health Care October Events

Henderson Health Care October Events


Cancer Survivors Dinner
Henderson Health Care is bringing back the Ladies Night Out Cancer Survivors Dinner! It is tentatively set for October 22. This dinner is open to all women with special recognition for cancer survivors. We invite area businesses to donate door prizes for the survivors. The donated items can be of any value and will displayed with recognition to the business/donor. We usually have around 90 attendees from Henderson, York, Geneva, Aurora, Sutton and other area towns. Please contact Valerie Nunnenkamp at vnunnenkamp@hendersonhealth.org or call 402-723-4512. Donated items can also be dropped off at the clinic during regular business hours. Thanks!

Diabetes Self Management Education Class
Henderson Health Care is hosting Diabetes Self-Management Education Classes beginning October 18, 2018. Learn how to deal with stress, blood sugars, exercise and more. For more information, please visit https://www.hendersonhealthcare.org/health-topics/diabetes-education-classes/.

October Mammograms
Mondays we mammo! Henderson Health Care will be performing mammograms until 7:30 p.m. every Monday in October. Every woman receiving a mammogram in October will receive a gift and be registered to win a gift basket! Appointment times are limited. Please call (402) 723-4512 to schedule.