Home News Agriculture Extension Update from Jenny Rees

Extension Update from Jenny Rees


Upcoming Events:

Jan. 4:  Fremont Corn Expo, http://croptechcafe.org/fremontcornexpo/
Jan. 9-11:  Nebraska Turfgrass Conference, LaVista Conference Center, http://www.nebraskaturfgrass.com
Jan. 10:  UBBNRD Nitrogen Mgmt Training, 9:30 a.m., Leadership Center Aurora
Jan. 10:  York Ag Expo, Holthus Convention Center, York (Chemigation Training 9 a.m.-Noon steve.melvin@unl.edu, Cover Crop/Annual Forages Topics 1-4 p.m.)
Jan. 11:  York Ag Expo, Holthus Convention Center, York (Private Pesticide Training 9-Noon jrees2@unl.edu, Precision Ag Topics 1-4 p.m.)
Jan. 11:  LBNRD Operator Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairbury 4-H Bldg
Jan. 11:  Crop Production Clinic, North Platte, https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc
Jan. 12:  Successful Farming Series: Soil Fertility, 9-11:30 a.m., Extension Office, Lincoln, tyler.williams@unl.edu 
Jan. 16:  LBNRD Operator Training, 9 a.m., Fairgrounds in Hastings
Jan. 16:  Crop Production Clinic, Norfolk, https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc
Jan. 15-17:  Nebraska Seed Improvement Conference, Embassy Suites, Lincoln, http://www.necrop.org/tentativeschedule.pdf
Jan. 17:  Chemigation Training, 1:30 p.m., 4-H Building Fairgrounds, Aurora, steve.melvin@unl.edu
Jan. 18:  Grain Sorghum Symposium, 9 a.m. Registration, NCTA Curtis
Jan. 18:  LBNRD Training, 1:30 p.m., Davenport Community Center
Jan. 18:  Crop Production Clinic, Lincoln, https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc
Jan. 18-19:  Hops Grower, Brewer Conference, Embassy Suites Downtown Omaha, http://www.growbrewnebraska.com/registration/
Jan. 19:  Successful Farmer Series: Farm Economics, 9-11:30 a.m., Extension Office, Lincoln, tyler.williams@unl.edu
Jan. 22:  Chemigation Training, 1:30 p.m., Community Building, Davenport
Jan. 22:  Solar Energy Workshop, 6:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Jan. 23:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Adams Co. Fairgrounds, Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Jan. 23:  Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m., First Lutheran Church, Wilbur, randy.pryor@unl.edu
Jan. 24:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Gage Co. Extension Office, Beatrice, randy.pryor@unl.edu
Jan. 24:  UBBNRD Nitrogen Mgmt Training, 9:30 a.m., Faigrounds in Seward
Jan. 24:  Pesticide Training, 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., Former ARDC near Mead, keith.glewen@unl.edu
Jan. 24-25:  Nebraska Crop Management Conference, Kearney, https://agronomy.unl.edu/NCMC
Jan. 25:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Former ARDC near Mead, keith.glewen@unl.edu
Jan. 26:  Successful Farmer Series: Corn, 9-11:30 a.m., Extension Office, Lincoln, tyler.williams@unl.edu
Jan. 29:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Fairgrounds, Clay Center, jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 29:  Pesticide Training, 2 p.m., Community Center, Davenport, jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 30:  Water Conference, 9:30-3 p.m., Fairgrounds Holdrege, todd.whitney@unl.edu
Jan. 30:  “Partners In Progress Beef Seminar” Cow/Calf College at U.S. MARC near Clay Center, NE from 10-3:30 a.m., Registration at 9:30.  RSVP to (402) 759-3712.
Jan. 30-31:  No-Till On the Plains Winter Conference, Wichita, KS http://notill.org/
Jan. 31:  Pesticide Training, 2 p.m., Civic Center, Seward, jrees2@unl.edu

Happy New Year!!! This week has been a good one to reflect on 2017.

It was a year of unusual situations such as the dry winter allowing for nitrogen burn on corn, herbicide carryover, wheat stem maggot in corn from late-terminated wheat/rye, dicamba concerns on soybeans/trees/vegetables, downed corn ears and the challenge of recovering them…I think so often as I reflect, it’s easy to see the problems that occurred as those tended to be the headlines.

But as I also reflect, I think of so much more. It’s been a hard several years both personally and professionally for me and one reason I love Extension is for the relationships I’m so blessed to have. As I reflect on this past year, it was a year of spending time sharing the ways we all were hurting/healing while looking at crop problems, working in on-farm research plots, or just visiting. It was a special year in building even deeper relationships with many of you whom I’ve served in the past and meeting new people in the area I’m serving. Thank you also for your grace as it is a challenge serving regions of counties. I truly am grateful for the friendships and opportunity to serve you!

One of my highlights was pesticide training…yes, pesticide training! I know it’s required for us as private applicators every three years, but it’s my chance to teach/learn from/see so many of you and do my best to share important crop information as well. I enjoy winter meeting time as it always feels like a big reunion to me to see who comes and to catch up! Pesticide training last year was fun to still have the opportunity to train those of you in my former area and meet many in my new area.

Another highlight is a group of youth I meet with each month for Crop ScienceIMAG0122 Investigation (CSI). This was such a rewarding experience for me in Clay County working with Clay/Nuckolls county youth and watching them learn, grow, and some pursue ag careers through the years. In York County I’m blessed with a very young, energetic group of youth who are so much fun and love to learn! Basically, the youth are detectives every time we meet as I give them a real problem to solve. We spend time out in the fields learning about crop growth, weed/insect/disease ID, take industry tours, etc. Our youth right now are mostly in the 6-11 year old range but any youth and parents are welcome to join us if you’re interested. Please just let me know at jrees2@unl.edu for meeting times.

On-farm research plots are always a highlight for me for how much can be learned and this year we had some intense plots regarding data collection! Grateful for the farmer-cooperators in the time spent on these plots and how you’re so good at working with me.

I also am grateful to the media. With fewer of us in Ag Extension, we’re called on more often to share when problems arise. So grateful for the relationships with all our media partners-TV, radio, newspapers, magazines-and all you do in helping us share our research-based information timely!

As I think about 2018, one concern continues to be low commodity prices and ways to make it through. The Farm Bill and what will happen regarding it is another topic. Dicamba unfortunately may continue to be a topic. And, it seems like every year we have varying weather that creates challenges and opportunities. Two things that will continue are the optimism/resiliency I see every year in our farmers and the strong family that Ag in general is. Here’s wishing you a safe and blessed 2018!

York Ag Expo: Reminder of the York Ag Expo January 10-11 at the Holthus Convention Center in York. A full list of exhibitors is available at: http://yorkchamber.org/yorkagexpo/. Lyndy Phillips will be the speaker at the Prime Rib Supper at Stone Creek in McCool Junction with social hour at 5:30 p.m. and supper at 6:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased for $30 at the York Chamber Office. I’m really excited for the opportunity to provide educational sessions this year and am particularly excited about the cover crops/annual forages for grazing. If you have cattle and are looking for outside-the-box ideas, this session may be helpful. Educational sessions include:
• Chemigation Training by Steve Melvin, Jan. 10 from 9-Noon
• Cover Crops/Annual Forages for Grazing, Jan. 10 from 1-4 p.m.
• Private Pesticide Training by Jenny Rees, Jan. 11 from 9-Noon
• Precision Ag, Jan. 11 from 1-4 p.m.

Winter Ag Program Brochure:  You can also find our winter ag program brochure for South Central/Southeast Nebraska at:  https://go.unl.edu/vzyg.