Home News Business Lot 21 Workspace Opens in Henderson

Lot 21 Workspace Opens in Henderson


A new workspace opened this summer in Henderson. Lot 21, managed by Jon Ruybalid, provides individuals or companies a place to office at. It was created with the intention to help those needing an office space or a place to meet with others. This in turn can attract people desiring to start a business, aiding our local economy.

The name Lot 21 was derived from its description on the plat map. It is located in the former Whitney Newman Mersch & Otto building on Main Street.

Stepping into the building, there is a front office with a desk, chairs, and printer. Down the hallway, there is a conference room with a large conference table and chairs. Past that, there is another workroom. On the opposite side of the hall, there is a small kitchenette with a coffeemaker.

There are currently two lawyers who regularly use the space. Christin Lovegrove of Heinisch and Lovegrove Law Office is there on Tuesdays and Steven Fillman of Fillman Law Offices comes in on Fridays. When asked how the space is working, Christin commented, “We are very excited to officially hang our shingle in Henderson. The office is working out great and we have enjoyed meeting more people as they stop by to introduce themselves. Henderson is a vibrant, welcoming and successful town and we are looking forward to helping meet the legal needs of its citizens. We feel blessed to be a part of a community like Henderson and hope that this is just the start of a long business venture.”

The shared workspace is available for anyone. It can be used temporarily, sporadically, or you can plan to regularly work at the space. As many people today claim that they office at Starbucks, here is a place right in Henderson available to use with coffee there or Perks coffee available across the street!

If you or someone you know of would be interested in this opportunity, you can contact Jon Ruybalid for more information at (402) 631-3384 or jrlaw15@gmail.com.