Home News Agriculture Extension Update from Jenny Rees

Extension Update from Jenny Rees


Jenny’s REESources 


Feb. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island,
Feb. 9:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Central City, smelvin1@unl.edu
Feb. 9:  Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Blue Hill, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 10:  Wilbur Crop Clinic, Sokol Hall 317 South Wilson – Wilber, NE, 8am-3pm,http://extension.unl.edu/statewide/saline/PDFFiles/Randy/2017%20Wilber%20Crop%20Clinic%20Flyer%20with%20Times.pdf
Feb. 12-14:  Great Plains Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference, Missouri Western State University, St Joseph, MO
Feb. 13:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Community Center, Nelson jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 13:  Pesticide Training, 6:30pm, Fairgrounds in Clay Center, jrees2@unl.edu 402-762-3644
Feb. 14:  Nebraska Cover Crop Conference, ARDC near Mead, http://ardc.unl.edu/nebraska-cover-crop-conference
Feb. 14:  Hamilton County Ag Day, Fairgrounds, Aurora
Feb. 14:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Dick’s Place, Lawrence, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 14:  Master Gardener Training, 6-9 p.m., York (402) 362-5508 and Clay (402-762-3644) County Extension Offices
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, Aurora,mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Chemigation, 1 p.m., Hall Co. Extension Office, Grand Island, troy.ingram@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m.,  Saline Center Hall, Western, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 16:  LBNRD Nitrogen Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds in Clay Center 402-364-2145
Feb. 16:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Geneva, bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Feb. 17:  Pesticide Training, 9am, DeWitt Community Center, DeWitt, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 17:  Solar Energy Workshop, 1-3:30 p.m., Jones National Bank and Trust Basement Auditorium, Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 20:  Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, ARDC near Mead, http://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch
Feb. 21:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fillmore Co. Fairgrounds, Geneva,bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Feb. 21:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Webster Co. Fairgrounds, Bladen, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 21:  Chemigation, 2 p.m., Franklin Co. Fairgrounds, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 21:  Master Gardener Training, 6-9 p.m., York (402) 362-5508 and Clay (402-762-3644) County Extension Offices
Feb. 22:  Farmers/Ranchers College:  Managing for Difficult Times, 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Fairgrounds in Geneva, RSVP  (402) 759-3712
Feb. 22:  Pesticide Training, 1:00 p.m., Firehall Meeting Room, Tobias, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 23-24:  Women in Agriculture Conference, Holiday Inn Kearney, http://wia.unl.edu
Feb. 27:  Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, Hall Co. Extension Office, Grand Island,http://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch
Feb. 27:  Farmers/Ranchers College:  Tips and Tricks for Women in Ag, 6:00 p.m., Lazy Horse Winery in Ohiowa, RSVP  (402) 759-3712
Feb. 28:  LBNRD Nitrogen Training, 9am, Shickley Community Center 402-364-2145
Feb. 28:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Osceola, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Feb. 28:  Beef Profitability Meeting, 10am, Fairgrounds, Osceola
Feb. 28:  Master Gardener Training, 6-9 p.m., York (402) 362-5508 and Clay (402-762-3644) County Extension Offices
Mar. 1:  Chemigation, 1 p.m., 4-H Building, York, smelvin1@unl.edu
Mar. 1:  Chemigation, 1 pm, Pinnacle Bank, Columbus, anygren2@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 9am, United Church of Christ, Crete, rpyror1@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Ag Building Fairgrounds, Aurora, smelvin1@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 6 p.m., Bruning Opera House, Bruning, bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Mar. 6:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Mar. 6:  Pesticide Training, 6:30pm, 4-H Building Fairgrounds York, jrees2@unl.edu 402-362-5508
Mar. 8:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Osceola, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Mar. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Mar. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City,mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Mar. 16:  Chemigation, 1:30 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Mar. 22:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Adams Co. Fairgrounds, Hastings,ron.seymour@unl.edu
Mar. 23:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Apr. 11:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City,mrethwisch2@unl.edu

Master Gardener Training:  Tuesday evenings 6-9 p.m. from February 7-March 21 at York and Clay County Extension Offices.  Please RSVP to jrees2@unl.edu or 402-362-5508 for attending in York or Deanna Peshek at 402-762-3644 to attend in Clay.

Farm Finance Clinic Sites and Dates To sign up for a clinic or to get more information, call Michelle at the Nebraska Farm Hotline at 1-800-464-0258.

Strengthening Nebraska’s Agricultural Economy:  According to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, one in four jobs is related to agriculture in Nebraska. This signifies the importance of agriculture to Nebraska’s overall economy.  Current market conditions are a challenge for many agricultural producers. In response to the economic downturn, Nebraska Extension has developed an initiative focused on strengthening Nebraska’s agricultural economy. 

A new series of educational materials will be released and featured on the Nebraska Extension CropWatch (http://cropwatch.unl.edu/strengthening-nebraskas-agricultural-economy) and Beef (http://beef.unl.edu) websites. Nebraska Extension specialists and educators from across multiple disciplines share research-based information to help producers reduce input costs, increase efficiencies, and improve profitability of farm and livestock operations. In planning for the coming season, consider how you can incorporate the strategies that best match your cropping systems, livestock operations, and management styles into your operation.

Find related information on Twitter at #StrongNebAg.  Nebraska Extension Educators Brent Plugge, Erin Laborie, and Aaron Berger are leading the livestock effort and Allan Vyhnalek and Jenny Rees are leading the crops effort with Gary Zoubek, Extension consultant.

Hamilton County Ag Day:  The 2017 Hamilton County Ag Day will be held Tuesday Feb. 14 at the Ag Auditorium on the Hamilton County Fairgrounds.   Doors open at 9 a.m., with morning presentations on drones and nitrogen sensing, and two late morning presentations related to agricultural economics.   Aurora Cooperative is sponsoring the noon lunch.   Updates will be provided by the FSA, NRCS, and USDA Rural Development.  Afternoon presentations will focus on 2017 changes in worker protection standards and variable rate irrigation.   The late afternoon presentations focus on forage aspects for livestock, such as cover crops and UNL research results on increasing pasture production.

During the day there will also be opportunities to visit with a wide variety of agricultural related vendors.  For a detailed program, visit http://extension.unl.edu/statewide/hamilton/hamilton-county-ag-day  or contact the Hamilton County Extension office at 402-694-6174.

Solar Energy Workshop in Seward:  A solar energy workshop will focus on applications of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for farms, ranches, residences, and rural businesses in Seward on Friday, February 17 from 1-3:30 p.m. at Jones National Bank and Trust Basement Auditorium in Seward.  The seminar is open to the public at no charge.  Grid tied solar PV, economics, basic design considerations and feasibility will be the main topics of discussion.  Participants will learn how to use basic online tools to model their own locations and learn about economic considerations such as payback, grants, tax credits, and depreciation.  Please pre-register at the Seward County Extension Office if you’re interested in attending by calling (402) 643-2981.

Farmers & Ranchers College Present Managing for Difficult Times:  The next Farmers and Ranchers College Program will be held Feb. 22 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds in Geneva, NE. During this program, Nebraska Extension faculty will present topics to help improve profitability in crop and livestock operations. Land leasing updates and strategies will be presented in addition to a review of basic financial recordkeeping. This program will equip farmers with strategies for reducing stress and keeping our families healthy during difficult times. Finally, tips on preparing for farm loan renewal time will be given.

A local update on the progress of the Fortigen fertilizer plant will be given. Nebraska Agribility and Easter Seals resources will be shared as well. As always, all programs are free due to the generous support of Farmers and Ranchers College Sponsors. Registration is due February 16th for a meal count and can be done online through fillmore.unl.edu or by calling the office at (402) 759-3712.

The Farmers and Ranchers College Committee consists of Fred Bruning of Bruning, Bryan Dohrman of Grafton, Sarah Miller of Carleton, Jennifer Engle of Fairmont, Ryne Norton of York, Jim Donovan of Geneva, Bryce Kassik of Geneva, Eric Kamler of Geneva, and Brandy VanDeWalle of Ohiowa.

Reminder Master Gardener’s Programs Begin this Week:  The Master Gardener training program begins this week with distance-education lawn and garden programs.  These programs will be available to view at the York (402-362-5508) and Clay (402-762-3644) County Extension Offices on Tuesdays from 6-9 p.m.  Anyone interested in becoming a master gardener, seeking master gardener educational credits, or in gardening without becoming a master gardener are welcome to attend.  Sessions cost $5 per session or $20 for the series to cover educational materials.  Please contact the Extension office if you plan to attend.  Please also contact us if you’re interested in becoming a master gardener as additional materials need to be ordered and there is a separate fee. This week’s topic on February 7th will be on “Plant Diagnostics:  What is wrong with this plant?”  Diagnosing plant problems can be difficult. There can be many different causes for a symptom. Learn what questions to ask to narrow down possible causes and about diagnostics tools to use. There will be a review of 2016 plant issues; and participants will practice diagnosing plant problems through role playing. – Presented by Kelly Feehan, Platte County Extension Educator.

Additional topics include:  Feb. 14-Turf Basics; Feb. 21-Small Fruit Production; Feb. 28-Soil Basics; Mar. 7-Landscape Design; Mar. 21-Insect Physiology, Pesticides, and Pollinators.