Home News Agriculture Extension Update from Jenny Rees

Extension Update from Jenny Rees


Jenny’s REESources 



Jan. 9:  Estate Planning Workshop, York County Club, RSVP jrees2@unl.edu or 402-362-5508
Jan. 10-11:  Precision Ag Data Management Workshop, Lincoln, http://agronomy.unl.edu/precisionag
Jan. 11:  Crop Production Clinic, Adams County Fairgrounds in Hastings, http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc
Jan. 11-12:  York Ag Expo, Holthus Convention Center in York
Jan. 12-13:  Precision Ag Data Management Workshop, 4-H Building York, http://agronomy.unl.edu/precisionag
Jan. 18:  LBNRD Nitrogen Mgmt Training, 9 a.m., Hastings, 402-364-2145
Jan. 18:  UBBNRD Nitrogen Mgmt Training, 1:30 p.m., Aurora Leadership Center, 402-362-6601
Jan. 19:  Chemigation, 1 p.m., Younes Conference Center, Kearney, cburr1@unl.edu
Jan. 19: Financial Literacy Training, 9am, Fairgrounds in Clay Center, brandy.vandewalle@unl.edu or (402) 762-3644
Jan. 19-20:  NEW 2-day Crop Production Clinic, Younes Convention Center in Kearney,http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc
Jan. 23:  Pesticide Training, 9am, York Fairgrounds, jrees2@unl.edu or 402-362-5508
Jan. 23:  Pesticide Training, 6:30pm, Harvest Hall at Seward Fairgrounds, jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 24:  Pesticide Training, 9am, American Legion in Sutton, jrees2@unl.edu or 402-762-3644
Jan. 24:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Webster Co. Museum, Red Cloud, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Jan. 24:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Davenport Community Center, jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 26:  Nebraska Grain Sorghum Symposium, Grand Island
Jan. 31:  Farmers/Ranchers Cow-Calf College, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., USMARC near Clay Center, RSVP  (402) 759-3712
Jan. 31:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Central City, smelvin1@unl.edu
Feb. 1:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Adams Co. Fairgrounds, Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 1:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Wilber, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 1-2:  Nebraska Ag Technologies Association (NeATA), Nebraska Innovation Campus
Feb. 1-2:  KZ-100 Farm and Life Expo, Columbus
**NOTE Date Change:  Feb. 2:  Land Application Training, York Extension Office.  RSVP tojrees2@unl.edu or 402-362-5508
Feb. 2:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Senior Center, Kenesaw, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 3:  Pesticide Training, 9am, St. Joseph Fellowship Hall, Friend, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 6:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Hebron Activity Center (downtown), jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 6:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Community Center, Nelson, jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 7:  Pesticide Training, 9am, 4-H Building in York, jrees2@unl.edu 402-362-5508
Feb. 7:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, 4-H Building in York, jrees2@unl.edu 402-362-5508
Feb. 7:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Feb. 7:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Ag Building Fairgrounds, Aurora, smelvin1@unl.edu
Feb. 8:  LBNRD Nitrogen Training, 9am, Hebron Community Center, 402-364-2145
Feb. 8:  UBBNRD Nitrogen Training, 1:30 p.m., Holthus Convention Center, 402-362-6601
Feb. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island,
Feb. 9:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Central City, smelvin1@unl.edu
Feb. 9:  Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m., Community Center, Blue Hill, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 12-14:  Great Plains Fruit and Vegetable Growers Conference, Missouri Western State University, St Joseph, MO
Feb. 13:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Community Center, Nelson jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 13:  Pesticide Training, 6:30pm, Fairgrounds in Clay Center, jrees2@unl.edu 402-762-3644
Feb. 14:  Hamilton County Ag Day, Fairgrounds, Aurora
Feb. 14:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Dick’s Place, Lawrence, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 9am, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, Aurora, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Chemigation, 1 p.m., Hall Co. Extension Office, Grand Island, troy.ingram@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Feb. 15:  Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m.,  Saline Center Hall, Western, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 16:  LBNRD Nitrogen Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds in Clay Center 402-364-2145
Feb. 16:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Geneva, bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Feb. 17:  Pesticide Training, 9am, DeWitt Community Center, DeWitt, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 20:  Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, ARDC near Mead, http://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch
Feb. 21:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fillmore Co. Fairgrounds, Geneva, bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Feb. 21:  Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Webster Co. Fairgrounds, Bladen, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 21:  Chemigation, 2 p.m., Franklin Co. Fairgrounds, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Feb. 22:  Farmers/Ranchers College:  Managing for Difficult Times, 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Fairgrounds in Geneva, RSVP  (402) 759-3712
Feb. 22:  Pesticide Training, 1:00 p.m., Firehall Meeting Room, Tobias, rpryor1@unl.edu
Feb. 23-24:  Women in Agriculture Conference, Holiday Inn Kearney, http://wia.unl.edu
Feb. 27:  Nebraska On-Farm Research Update, Hall Co. Extension Office, Grand Island,http://cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch
Feb. 27:  Farmers/Ranchers College:  Tips and Tricks for Women in Ag, 6:00 p.m., Lazy Horse Winery in Ohiowa, RSVP  (402) 759-3712
Feb. 28:  LBNRD Nitrogen Training, 9am, Shickley Community Center 402-364-2145
Feb. 28:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Osceola, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Feb. 28:  Beef Profitability Meeting, 10am, Fairgrounds, Osceola
Mar. 1:  Chemigation, 1 p.m., 4-H Building, York, smelvin1@unl.edu
Mar. 1:  Chemigation, 1 pm, Pinnacle Bank, Columbus, anygren2@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 9am, United Church of Christ, Crete, rpyror1@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Ag Building Fairgrounds, Aurora, smelvin1@unl.edu
Mar. 2:  Pesticide Training, 6 p.m., Bruning Opera House, Bruning, bvandewalle2@unl.edu
Mar. 6:  Pesticide Training, 2pm, Harvest Hall Fairgrounds Seward, jrees2@unl.edu
Mar. 6:  Pesticide Training, 6:30pm, 4-H Building Fairgrounds York, jrees2@unl.edu 402-362-5508
Mar. 8:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds Osceola, mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Mar. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Mar. 9:  Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City,mrethwisch2@unl.edu
Mar. 16:  Chemigation, 1:30 p.m., Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Mar. 22:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Adams Co. Fairgrounds, Hastings, ron.seymour@unl.edu
Mar. 23:  Pesticide Training, 9 am, Hall Co. Extension, Grand Island
Apr. 11:  Pesticide Training, 1:30 and 6:30 p.m., Hruska Library, David City, mrethwisch2@unl.edu

Master Gardener Training:  Tuesday evenings 6-9 p.m. from February 7-March 21 at York and Clay County Extension Offices.  Please RSVP to jrees2@unl.edu or 402-362-5508 for attending in York or Deanna Peshek at 402-762-3644 to attend in Clay.

Reminder of several events this week including the York Ag Expo at the Holthus Convention Center January 11-12 (yorkagexpo.com); Crop Production Clinic in Hastings January 11 (agronomy.unl.edu/cpc); and Precision Ag Clinic in York January 12-13 (agronomy.unl.edu/precisionag).

Chemigation:  For those desiring to put fertilizer (fertigation) or any chemicals through your irrigation system, you will need a chemigation permit.  Your private and/or commercial pesticide applicator’s license do not allow you to do this.  If this is your first time attending a chemigation class, we’d encourage you to ask for study materials to be sent to you when you contact the Extension office to pre-register for the training you plan to attend.  There is no charge to attend the training.  Training dates include:  Jan 19: 1:00 p.m., Younes Conference Center, Kearney; Feb 15: 1:00 p.m., Hall Co Ext, Grand Island; Feb 21: 2:00 p.m., Fairgrounds, Franklin;

Feb 28: 1:00 p.m., Fairgrounds, Central City; Mar 1: 1:00 p.m., 4-H Building, York; Mar. 1: 1:00 p.m., Pinnacle Bank, Columbus; Mar 6: 1:00 p.m., Opera House, Bruning; Mar 8: 9:00 a.m., First Lutheran Church, Wilber; Mar 16: 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, Hastings; and Mar 23: 9:00 a.m., ARDC near Mead.

Financial Literacy Class for Farmers and Ranchers:  Brandy VanDeWalle, Extension Educator for youth crops in Fillmore and Clay counties shared the following regarding upcoming programs in Clay County.

Are you ready to renew your farm or ranch operating note? Learn about preparing the information your lenders need and how to develop a solid financial record keeping system at a Financial Health Check workshop. The workshop will be held January 19th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Clay County Fairgrounds in Clay Center, NE. RSVP to Clay Co. Extension at (402) 762-3644 by Jan. 13th.  The cost to attend this workshop is $20 per person. The ideal class size for the financial heath check class is 10-12 participants; classes will be limited to 15. 

This workshop is designed to help farmers and ranchers develop a financial plan for their operation during this period of low income. Upon completion of this program, participants will have a better understanding of how financial records can be used to make management decisions and confidently discuss their financial position with their family, business partners, and lenders.

Topics covered include:  Basics of balance sheet construction and analysis; Cash flow and keeping farm/ranch financial records; and Income statements for measuring profitability. 

Contact: Brandy VanDeWalle, Extension Educator, (402) 759-3712, brandy.vandewalle@unl.edu

Quicken Workshop for Farms & Ranches:  Keep books for more than just your taxes! In this 2.5-hour class, you will learn to use Quicken (a minimum cost bookkeeping software) to keep farm/ranch financial records, as well as your household expenses.  This “hands-on” training will help you understand how to set up categories & classes (for taxes & management), use the budget & loan features, and separate enterprise expenses.  You will also learn where to find online Quicken help resources directly related to farm records.

This workshop will be held January 19th, 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Clay County Fairgrounds in Clay Center, NE. RSVP to Clay Co. Extension at (402) 762-3644 by Jan. 13th.  The cost to attend this workshop is $20 per person. The ideal class size for the Quicken workshop is 10-12 participants; classes will be limited to 15. 

Farmers and Ranchers Cow/Calf College:  The annual Farmers and Ranchers Cow/Calf College “Partners in Progress – Beef Seminar” will be held at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center and Great Plains Veterinary Education Center near Clay Center on January 31, 2017 with registration, coffee and donuts starting at 9:00 a.m. The program will run from 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. This program is sponsored by Nebraska Extension’s Farmers and Ranchers College.  Topics include Annual Forage Systems-A Pasture Alternative; Cattle Market and Industry Update; Management Tips and Strategies; Strategic Ranch Management during an Economic Downturn; Veterinary Feed Directive; and Coffee Shop Panel of all presenters. There is no cost for the event and the public is invited. It does include a noon meal, which means that early registration is necessary to reserve materials and a meal.   Pre-register online at http://fillmore.unl.edu.  You can also pre-register by January 24th to the Fillmore Co. Extension Office at (402) 759-3712 or to Brandy VanDeWalle at brandy.vandewalle@unl.edu.

Nebraska Extension Crop Management Conference:  This new program to be held Jan. 19-20 at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney includes two half-day workshops, 23 program sessions, and recertification options where attendees will be able to customize their learning experience by registering for those sessions most pertinent to their farming operation.  Guest speakers include:  Chuck Schroeder, founding executive director of the Rural Futures Institute at the University of Nebraska;

Bob Nielsen, professor of agronomy at Purdue University and host expert for two national corn information websites: Chat ‘n Chew Café and the Corn Growers’ Guidebook; Seth Naeve, associate professor in the University of Minnesota Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics focusing on soybean issues; and Andrew Kniss, associate professor in weed biology and ecology at the University of Wyoming.  Workshops include Pesticide Application Technology and Soil Nutrient Management. Individual sessions cover a range of topics from bacterial leaf streak and corn rootworm resistance to precision ag technologies, crop resistance and climate variability, manure management, dicamba drift and resistance gene transfer, and Nebraska cover crops research. For more detail, see the conference agenda and workshop and session descriptions.

The conference also includes commercial and private pesticide applicator recertification, chemigation recertification, and nutrient management recertification for the Central Platte Natural Resource District. Industry representatives will be available at a commercial expo Thursday evening.  Registration and more information can be found at the Conference website at:  http://agronomy.unl.edu/NCMC.