Home Events Upcoming Chamber Events Spring 2016

Upcoming Chamber Events Spring 2016


Upcoming Chamber Events
It is a busy month at the Henderson Chamber as we gear up some new business offerings and get ready for our summer events. Please mark your calendar for these upcoming meetings and events happening nearby. 

Lunch N Learn- April 12
The Henderson Chamber is teaming up with the York Chamber and York County Development Corporation to host a Social Media in the Workplace Lunch N Learn on Tuesday, April 12 from 11:30-1:30 p.m. at Holthus Convention Center. Christopher Kingsley, Chief Creative Officer from Firespring, will be the main speaker in addition to a business panel featuring Blake Burgess, Ace Hardware; Taylor Siebert, Striv; and Shannon Chesnut, Max Country. Chamber members can attend this event at a reduced rate.  Please RSVP by April 7th to dheskett@yorkdevco.com or hchamber@mainstaycomm.net. 

Farmers Market Pre-Season Meetup- April 14
Are you interested in being a vendor at the Henderson Farmers Market? Does your group or organization want to serve a meal on a Tuesday night during the Farmers Market?  Then we want you to attend our pre-season meet up on Thursday, April 14, between 4:00-5:30 p.m. at City Hall.  We will have Melanie Kunc, the area food inspector, with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture available to answer any questions and give information on food safety and regulation requirements for Farmers Markets. She will also be able to register organizations for Temporary Food Service Permits (it’s free), which will be required in order to serve a meal at the Farmers Market. In addition, Kevin Dandliker with the Nebraska Weights & Measures Department will be available to answer questions and certify scales. Anyone interested in being a food, craft, or information vendor at the Henderson Farmers Market is invited to fill out the online form at www.HendersonNE.com.

Business After Hours- April 18
This is a new event hosted by the Henderson Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Custom Wood Products to engage millennials in the workplace. That means, this is an open event for individuals ages 21-40 who are active in the Henderson workforce either by working in Henderson or living in the Henderson area and working elsewhere. Business after hours will be held at Alan’s Cabin on Monday, April 18, from 4:30-6:00 p.m. This informal networking setting will help individuals gain referrals for their business or the business they work for. Anyone interested in attending should RSVP to the Henderson, Nebraska Facebook event “Chamber Business After Hours” or email hchamber@mainstaycomm.net  and come prepared with a business card to enter the door prize and a 30 second sales pitch for why people should refer customers to their business this month. 

Highway Clean Up- April 25
The Henderson Chamber will once again be teaming up with the Heartland FFA to hold their annual highway clean up along the Henderson Spur on Monday, April 25. Any community members who are interested in helping can come to the school cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. where we will organize into groups. Please use this event as a reminder to not litter and give us a honk of support if you drive by while the volunteers are out working. 

If you have questions about any of the above events, contact the Henderson Chamber office at 402-723-4228 or email hchamber@mainstaycomm.netÂ