Home News Heritage Park Heritage Park Memorial Weekend Opening

Heritage Park Memorial Weekend Opening



Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park officially opens this Memorial Weekend. The opening kickoff will begin Friday, May 22, and continue through Monday, May 25, open from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The new Irrigation Display chronicling the development of early deep well drilling in the Henderson area is a must see.

The 8 1/2 acre park has something for all ages to enjoy–from the turn of the century farm yard complete with the restored 1911 Epp Barn and Tina Dick house, to the replica Immigrant House, District #73E Country School, Country Mennonite Church, and the just finished Henderson Depot.

Upcoming events at the Heritage Park include: Bluestem Writer’s Workshop Saturday, June 27th; Kids Day Camps—“From Russia to America” Wednesday, July 15 and “Shnetya Camp” Wednesday, July 29; Community Days Pancake Feed Saturday, July 11; Garden Tour Sunday, August 2; and Heritage Day Saturday, September 19. More information on these events can be found at www.hendersonheritage.org.

After the Memorial Weekend Kickoff, the park will resume its normal operating schedule being open every Tuesday-Saturday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The park is always available by appointment as well by calling 402-723-5793. The park is located about a mile south of the Henderson #342 I-80 exit.