Home News Henderson Heritage & Tourism “From Russia to America” Kids Camp at Heritage Park

“From Russia to America” Kids Camp at Heritage Park [PHOTOS]


Getting from Russia to America is no small feat! Nineteen kids learned firsthand what that long journey was like at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park’s “From Russia to America” Kids Camp Wednesday morning. Take a look at their reenactment of this remarkable journey to Henderson.

Before they could leave Russia, they had to fill out their passports and pack their suitcases.



Before leaving they also had to say tearful goodbyes to grandparents that stayed behind in Russia.

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After leaving Russia, they take the train to Hamburg, Germany where they get their passports stamped. Next they board the ship called the Tuetonia that would take them to America. During the ocean ride, they heard stories about deaths, sickness, and the birth of a baby boy.

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Once arriving in New York, they had to get medical checkups before they could enter the country. Toasted zwieback was one of the traditional foods eaten along the journey. From New York the next stop by train was Lincoln, Nebraska where the land agents convinced some of the immigrants to come to Henderson.

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After a bit of a walk like the immigrants who made the trek by foot and wagons, they arrived at the Immigrant House. The kids were treated to drinks, apples, and snacks while hearing stories from volunteer Suzanne Ratzlaff about what life was like for those early settlers.

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