Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [July 3, 2014]


Cropping Update

Crops are continuing to make progress recovering from the storms we had!  The rains have been very sporadic this season, but in the York area we receive over 2.0” this past week. For the months of May and June we’ve receive over 11” of precipitation. It did not all soak in, but the fields I’ve been monitoring with Watermark Sensors are all showing a full profile as of Monday morning. That’s pretty unusual for near the 1st of July!

The ETgages I’ve been monitoring dropped an average of just under an inch, but with the 2+ inches of rain and humidity, I guess that’s to be expected. The crops did not use much moisture for the week!

Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic Planned

I’d like to remind area Agribusiness professionals and crop producers about the UNL Crop Management Diagnostic Clinic planned for July 17.  The UNL Extension clinic begins with 7:30 a.m. registration at the Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead and starts at 8:00 a.m.

This years crop management and diagnostic clinics will include one-on-one attention, on-site plot demonstrations, interaction with other participants, discussions about cutting edge research and an opportunity to earn continuing education credits through Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) program.

Program Topics on July 17 include:

• Selecting Cover Crops and Comparing Seeding Methods;

• Use of Herbicides for Resistant Weed Management in Soybeans: Now and in the Future

• The Herbicide Mode of Action Challenge

• Crop Scene Investigation (CSI)

• Building Skills to Diagnose Field Problems

• Agronomics and Economics Behind Corn, Cover Crops, and Cattle

• Corn Hybrid Placement

Registration and Credits

Six Certified Crop Adviser credits (soil and water management – 1.0, crop management – 2.5, and pest management – 2.5) have been applied for and are pending approval for this clinic.  Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat and resource materials. Cost for one clinic is $160 for those registering one week in advance and $210 after.

For more information or to register, contact the ARDC CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call 800-529-8030, fax 402-624-8010, email cdunbar2@unl.edu or visit the web at http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml.