Home News Public Invited to Attend Farmers’ Valley Memorial Service and Welcome Gatekeepers’ Ride...

Public Invited to Attend Farmers’ Valley Memorial Service and Welcome Gatekeepers’ Ride Participants


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Come one, come all to the 2014 Memorial Day services at Farmers’ Valley Cemetery on Monday, May 26.  Activities will be filled with celebrating this historical site’s road toward recovery after being vandalized last summer.  Visitors to the cemetery will also have the chance to welcome the participants of the Gatekeepers’ Ride when these cyclists end their trek from Fort Hartsuff, arriving just in time for the Memorial Day service.  This bicycle ride has been raising funds to help with the financial costs of installing a new fence and gate at the cemetery, which will add more security and protection.

Memorial events will begin at 11:00 a.m. with a live performance by Nebraska music man, Paul Siebert.  At 12:00 noon, a 21 gun salute memorial service will be presented by Aurora’s American Legion, and following its conclusion, a potluck will follow.  Everyone is invited to join in the celebration by bringing some home cooking to share, along with their own table service, blankets, chairs and/or card tables.  Electricity will be available for hot food.  Just drive two miles west out of the town of Henderson and turn south on “Y” Road.  After crossing the Blue River, turn west on Farmers’ Valley Road which will lead to the cemetery.  In case of inclement weather, the Memorial Day activities will take place at the Plainsman Museum in Aurora.

Let’s show support by filling the cemetery with many well-wishers and give these cyclists/history lovers a big welcome when they arrive.  There is still time to participate in the Gatekeepers’ Ride.  Whether wishing to join for part of the trek or the entire jaunt, please contact Matt Bergen at 308-530-0350 or Harry Eckerson at 402-631-8715.  Donations and pledges are still being accepted.