Home News Letter to the Editor: Renewable Fuel Standard

Letter to the Editor: Renewable Fuel Standard



The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program was created by Congress under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The purpose of the RFS was to require the blending of ethanol into the fuel supply to achieve significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reduce our need for imported oil and encourage the expansion of the renewable fuels industry to make us less dependent on imported oil.  In 2008 it was amended to the current version which requires that we blend renewable fuels in increasing increments until we reach 36 billion gallons in 2022.

Recently the EPA proposed decreasing, by 1.4 billion gallons, the amount of corn ethanol required to be blended in 2014.The expansion of the renewable fuels industry in Nebraska, and the Midwest for that matter, is the greatest single event that has improved the economy of rural Nebraska that I have experienced in my 38 years of farming. It has created good paying jobs and helped make Nebraska the envy of the nation during the recent recession. It has reduced our dependence on imported oil, lowered fuel prices, improved air quality and given us more fueling choices at the pump. It has encouraged young people to return to the farm and created tremendous opportunities for rural communities to once again start growing.

The RFS has worked just like it was intended to work and now because of pressure from the petroleum industry the EPA wants to change the rules. The millions of dollars invested in the ethanol industry have made Nebraska the 2nd largest ethanol producer in the country. With the price of corn dropping near the cost of production and projections of a 1.8 billion bushel surplus at the end of this year the fiscal implications for the state could be very detrimental. We as corn producers knew that corn prices would eventually return to more normal levels but if we lose part of the ethanol market this will have serious long term effects on our rural economy.

If you feel that we should maintain our commitment to the renewable fuels industry and not send our dollars overseas for imported oil you can share your comments with the EPA by logging on to NebraskaCorn.org and follow the links to let your voice be heard. The EPA will accept comments until January 28, 2014. Call your representatives in Washington and tell them how important ethanol is to your business and community. We have too much to lose to remain quiet on this issue.


Curt Friesen
District #3 Director
Nebraska Corn Board