Home Living Health “Relay for Life” Coming to a Town Near You

“Relay for Life” Coming to a Town Near You


Although the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Event will not be taking place in the town of Henderson, everyone can make contributions to this worthy cause!

So far there are nine individuals who make up the Henderson Team and will be canvassing Henderson for contributions until the week of the event.

Members of the local team include: Co-chairs – Kim Epp (366-6953) and Kathryn Goertzen (723-4931), Amy (Friesen) Doremus, Doris Kroeker, Arlyce Friesen, Myron Friesen, Melissa Goertzen, Barb Casper and Sue Sullivan.  Each of these members will be assigned a section of the town or rural area to solicit donations.  These dedicated team members have all been touched by cancer in a significant way – some have been a caregiver to a parent or a spouse who has had cancer, while others have lost a loved one to the disease.  Ideally, it would be great to have ten team members.  Anyone interested in joining the effort should contact either of the co-chairs or any one of the team members who can then pass the information along.  It is not a difficult task to raise money for this cause since there are so many people that have been effected by the disease in some way.  Proceeds go toward cancer research.  We are all working together to find a cure!

Sue Sullivan, oncology coordinator for the Henderson Health Care Services, can order ‘survivor t-shirts’ for local cancer survivors who plan to participate in the relay.  All cancer survivors, including newly diagnosed or those currently in treatment, may contact Sue at HHCS to order a shirt.

The York County Relay will be taking place at the York County Fairgrounds on June 9 and 10 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.  For more information contact a co-chair, any team member or visit www.relayforlife.org/yorkne.

Kathryn Goertzen

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