Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubek

Extension Update by Gary Zoubek [January 12, 2012]


Extension Update by Gary L. Zoubek - Extension Educator

Coming Events

Jan. 9-11, 2012 – Nebraska Ag Classic, Holiday Inn, Kearney

Jan. 10, 2012 – Crop Production Clinic, Adams County Fairgrounds, Hastings, info http://cpc.unl.edu

Jan. 17, 2012 – 9:50 a.m., Farmers/Ranchers Cow-Calf College, Clay Center

Jan. 19, 2012 – 8:30 a.m. Ag Day, Hamilton County Fairgrounds, Aurora

Jam. 23, 2012 – 7:00 p.m., Extension Board Meeting, Extension Office, York

Jan. 25, 2012, 1:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

Feb. 16, 2012, 1:30 p.m. – Private Pesticide Applicator Training – 4-H Building, York

Congratulations York Robotics Teams

I want to congratulate the two York County4-H Robotics Teams and leaders for a great job at the Kearney FLL Robotics Team Qualifier in Kearney over the weekend.  Both the Red and Green York Count teams qualified for the Nebraska Robotics Expo and FLL Championship Tournament to be held on Saturday February 18th at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland, Nebraska.

Last year all Nebraska Robotics Teams were able to compete at the FLL Championship Tournament, however, this year three qualifying tournaments were held in Omaha, Lincoln and Kearney.  These event consists of  three 2 and ½ minute rounds where the robots complete various tasks.  In addition, the teams worked on a project that was related to food this year.  The issues the two teams worked on were E. Coli and Salmonella and how they could solve related problems.  They did research or these issues, contacted professionals and prepared presentations that they shared with the judges.

Finally the teams were also evaluated on core values which were:

We are a team.
We do the work to find solutions with guidance from our coaches and mentors.
We know our coaches and mentors don’t have all the answers; we learn together.
We honor the spirit of friendly competition.
What we discover is more important than what we win.
We share our experiences with others.
We display gracious professionalism and cooperation in everything we do.
We have FUN!

Members of the two York County teams that competed in Kearney are: Christopher Gillespie, Jason Gloystein, Thomas Harrington-Newton, Justin Heine, Mitchell Heine, Max Kohmetscher, Sam Kohmetscher, Matthew Onnen, Matt Pedersen, Randy Rafert, Reggie Rafert, Camden Wallingford, and Clare Wilton.  Leaders are Jim Carpenter, Karl and Nancy Heine, George Gillespie, Sam Wilton with help from me plus many other moms and dads!

I also want to thank all the parents for helping with this project, looks like we’ll have to keep working and making improvements for the Feb. 18th FLL Championship Tournament.

GOOD LUCK to both teams.

Crop Production Clinics Planned
If you missed our Crop Production Clinic last Thursday at the City Auditorium, we have one today in Hastings on the Adams County Fairgrounds.  In addition, the sessions were taped and will be posted on the website after all the sessions have been completed.

We’ll soon have copies of the popular 2012 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska with Fungicide and Insecticide Information.  The team of author’s has added even more features to this comprehensive, 272-page guide.  New this year, in addition to the herbicide efficacy and product updates, are photos to aid in identification of common annual weeds and keys for identifying broadleaf and grass weeds.  The guide also includes sections on fungicide and insecticide information for corn, soybeans, and wheat and an insecticide section for alfalfa. Also added are photos of several common insects and diseases.

This guide should be a key pest management reference for all Nebraska’s crop producers.  The cost of this 272 page guide is a bargain at $10, so stop by and pickup a copy!  If you want to read it on line it’s available at: http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/sendIt/ec130.pdf.

Horticulture Training Planned

Our office will be hosting several horticulture training sessions on Tuesdays in February and March.  The sessions will be from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at our office located at 2345 Nebraska Ave. here in York.  Cost to attend the sessions will be $5.00/session or $15.00 for the series!

2012 topics will be:

February 14- Vegetables: Growing and Pest Control

February 21- Plant I.D. and Plant Diagnostics

February 28 – Tree Problems: Environmental and Pests

March 6 – Herbaceous Perennial Management

March 13 – Soils and Soil Management

March 20 – Weed Management Basics

If you’re interested in attending any of these sessions or want more information, go to our website: http://york.unl.edu and click on the Water & Environment link on the left hand side of the page.  You can also give me a call or stop by our office if you’d like more information about these sessions.

Farmers/Ranchers Cow-Calf College Planned

The Annual Farmers/Ranchers Cow-Calf College is planned for January 17th at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center and Great Plains Veterinary Education Center near Clay Center.  This free program will begin with registration, coffee and donuts from 9-9:45 a.m. The program will start at 9:50 a.m. and end at approximately 3:45 p.m.  John Pollak, director, USMARC, will begin the program and give a short overview on research at the Meat Animal Research Center. He will be followed by Ross Baker, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, who will present “ADTS – New Regulations for Cattle Crossing State Lines,” and  Kelsi Wehrman, Farm Bill wildlife biologist with the USDA-NRCS, who will present “Prescribed Burning to Control Cedars & Increase Forage Quality.”

Noon sessions will feature the return of area cattlemen Ken and Zach Herz, who will provide sessions on a “Follow-up on Packed Manure Bed Beef Barn – One Year Later.”  They will present results of their first year in the large 200 foot by 100 foot barn that was built for confined beef management. Also will be a chance to see and hear about the “UNL Beef Mobile Lab” which takes hands-on animal science on the road. UNL Extension educators Brent Plugge and Bob Meduna will show the mobile lab.

The afternoon sessions will discuss the future of animal agriculture including Jordan Dux, national affairs coordinator with the Nebraska Farm Bureau, who will give an “Update on Federal and State Ag Issues” that are likely to affect cattlemen and the agriculture industry.  This year’s capstone address will be delivered by Ronnie Green, NU vice-president and IANR Harlan vice chancellor, who will present “Feeding the Global Future with Red Meat Innovation.”


All area beef producers and those interested in the beef industry are encouraged to pre-register by Jan. 12 by calling 402-746-3417 or emailing Dewey Lienemann at dlienemann2@unl.edu to ensure a seat and lunch.

AG Day Program Planned

All area producers are invited to the Annual Ag Day Program to be held in Aurora on Thursday January 19th.

Topics will include:

Nebraska Corn Grower and Corn Board Reports

USDA Program Updates

Upper Big Blue NRD Updates

Selecting Criteria for Corn Hybrid Selection

Goss’s Wilt and Frogeye Leaf Spot- Which diseases are present and how to manage them

An introduction to Flexible Cash Leasing

On-Farm Research and Extension Educator Updates

The final topic of the day will be a report by Al Dutcher, NE State Climatologist on  La Nina Conditions and a 2012 Weather Update.

It looks like it should a good program!

Center Pivot Irrigation Management Short-Course Planned

Enhancing the value of water through advanced irrigation management is the goal of a series of two workshops planned for Feb. 6 & 8, 2012 in Gothenburg and York.

Getting the most value from your irrigation water will be the focus of this University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension program.

Topics to be discussed include sprinkler package selection, soil water management, and pumping plant performance.  Presenters will also provide hands-on management techniques.  Also, irrigation industry representatives will be available to discuss the latest in center pivot irrigation technology.

For more information, go to the http://york.unl.edu and click on the link in the coming events!  Call our office or email me at gzoubek1@unl.edu to register.

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