Home News Agriculture Heartland FFA Members attend District Leadership Skills Events

Heartland FFA Members attend District Leadership Skills Events [PHOTOS]

District Champion in Job Interview Rick Siebert and District Runner-up in Senior Public Speaking Miranda Janzen

December 7th saw the Heartland FFA Members traveling to Aurora to participate in the District VII Leadership Skills Events. The event was held at The Leadership Center and coordinated by the District VII Agricultural Education Instructors.

Receiving a first place purple ribbon and qualifying for the State FFA Convention was the Rick Siebert in Job Interview. Also performing well was Miranda Janzen, who received a second place purple ribbon and qualified for the State FFA Convention in Senior Public Speaking. The Ag Demonstration team was also selected for State FFA Convention. Team members are Morgan Tracy, Stephanie Stamp, Brent Regier and Aaron Jensen.

Blue Ribbons went to Abigail Bechtel with her Senior Public Speech, Daniel Quiring with his Extemporaneous Speech, and the Ag Demonstration Team of Michael Brune, Brenan Erb, Rick Siebert and Andrew Spader. The Sophomore and Freshman Parliamentary Procedure teams also received blues. Sophomore members are Kelli Bergen, Brandon Boardman, Leah Friesen, Megan Friesen, Megan Boardman, Mary Beth Manson and Olivia Prentice. The Freshman team consisted of Rachelle Allen, JJ Johnson, Kaeli Lundstrom, Paige Mestl, Lydia Quiring, Caitlin Ramsey and Jordan Heinrichs.

Red Ribbons were given to Kaeli Lundstrom and Rachelle Allen in Creed Speaking, Matthew Hiebner in Extemporaneous Speaking, Emily Ott in Natural Resources Speaking, Brielle van den Berg in Cooperative Speaking and Sam Boardman in Job Interview.

All FFA members who participated are to be commended for the hard work and preparation for the contest.

Cole Blomendahl

District Runner-up Ag Demonstration Team of Brent Regier, Stephanie Stamp, Morgan Tracy and Aaron Jensen
District Champion in Job Interview Rick Siebert and District Runner-up in Senior Public Speaking Miranda Janzen

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