Home Living Health Telethon Raises Money for Henderson Health Care

Telethon Raises Money for Henderson Health Care


The Henderson Health Care Foundation and Henderson Health Care Board of Directors were busy making calls on November 7 and 8 during the Annual Henderson Health Care Foundation Telethon. Preliminary pledges from the event reached $23,000 with the money going towards a new data scope for the emergency room.  This equipment is necessary in providing the best care possible as it monitors the vital signs of patients.

Over 50 years ago, Henderson Health Care Services started as a vision of a few men, in the name of Christ.  Today, we enjoy a state of the art facility with a skilled and caring staff. As a non-profit organization, the hospital relies on donations to purchase large items and fund construction projects.

If you were not contacted during the telethon, you can still make a donation toward this worthwhile project by taking a check designated for the telethon, made payable to the Henderson Health Care Foundation, to Henderson State Bank, Cornerstone Bank or Henderson Health Care Services, Inc.

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