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Good Read: “Made to Crave” by Lysa Terkeurst


Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst

Review by Tessa Siebert

Everywhere we turn there is a new book about dieting or a breakthrough fitness idea that is sure to make us loose those extra pounds.  Lysa Terkeurst wrote “Made to Crave” from a very different but appealing point of view.  She focuses on satisfying our deepest desire with God, not food.  Terkeurst dives into her own struggles with food cravings and the process of changing the focus of her cravings.

“We were made to crave—long for, want greatly, desire eagerly, and beg for—God.  Only God.”

Terkeurst will push and challenge you through this book and also help you:

-Break the cycle of “I’ll start again on Monday,” and feel good about yourself today.

-Stop agonizing over numbers on the scale and make peace with your body.

-Replace rationalizations that lead to failure with wisdom that leads to victory.

-Reach your healthy goals and grow closer to God through the process.

Terkeurst reveals through the book how she lost 25 pounds by not following one specific diet plan.  She was gradually able to incorporate exercise into her life and started replacing her food cravings with a focus on God.

Terkeurst poses the question, “Is it possible we love and rely on food more than we love and rely on God?”

This is not a “how to” diet plan book but rather a reminder of how our relationship with God is impacted by the way we feed and move our bodies.  It is a great book to really get to the heart of our own food issues.  After each chapter Terkeurst allows you to dig deeper into the issues discussed by offering personal reflection and application questions.


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