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New Sponsors Page


Our Sponsors are very important to us and that is why we would like to invite you to visit our NEW Sponsors page on our site. Click here to see Sponsors page.

We love reporting on what is new in the Henderson and Bradshaw area.  We do our best to keep the articles and content of HeartlandBeat.com current, informative and fun for our readers.  We have tried to make HeartlandBeat.com accurate and complete and hope that it has become a routine, local resource for area information.

We could not continue to serve the community if it were not for our sponsors.  Our request to you, the reader, is a sincere hope that you support these sponsors who keep HeartlandBeat.com up and running for you.

Please patronize our sponsors and when you do, let them know you saw their ad on HeartlandBeat.com.  Please show your appreciation to them and their willingness to give back to the community.

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