Home News Agriculture Heartland FFA Members Attend Nebraska State FFA Convention

Heartland FFA Members Attend Nebraska State FFA Convention

Heartland FFA members to receive their State FFA Degrees were left to right, Seth Shaldecker, Brandon Friesen, Andrea Boardman, Brian Barr, Carlie Weisheit and Tanner Steingard.
The Heartland FFA chapter recently visited Lincoln for the annual State FFA Convention.  Some highlights of State Convention were state contests, state FFA choir, leadership workshops, keynote speakers, general sessions and the State Degree Ceremony. 

The Nebraska State FFA Degree is the highest honor the Nebraska FFA Association can bestow upon its members.  Receiving the Nebraska State FFA Degree from the Heartland FFA Chapter were Seth Schaldecker, Brandon Friesen, Andrea Boardman, Brian Barr, Carlie Weisheit, and Tanner Steingard.

Additionally, seven FFA members were selected to sing in the State FFA Choir.  Those members were: Miranda Driewer, Morgan Tracy, Ashton Kroeker, Brenan Erb and Daniel Quiring.

Heartland FFA Members also participated in the State Leadership Skills Events.
Receiving a Gold plaque was the Sophomore Junior Parliamentary Procedure Team.  Team members were Daniel Quiring, Aaron Jensen, Ashton Kroeker, Mattison Hiebner, Emily Ott, Sam Boardman and Matthew Hiebner.  Team alternate was Maelyn Huebert and Steph Stamp.  Also participating in the State Leadership Skills Events was Andrea Boardman.  Boardman received a gold medal in Job Interview.

Additionally, Boardman was selected as State Champion with her Agricultural Service Placement Proficiency Award. She was also selected as a State Star in Agricultural Placement Finalist.

Many other Heartland FFA Members participated in the State Career Development Events.

Below is a list of all members who participated and how they performed:

State FFA Choir Participants, left to right, Miranda Driewer, Daniel Quiring, Morgan Tracy, Brenan Erb and Ashton Kroeker.
Gold State Finalist Junior Parliamentary Procedure team, left to right, Sam Boardman, Matthew Hiebner, Emily Ott, Daniel Quiring, Mattison Hiebner, Aaron Jensen and Ashton Kroeker.
Leah Friesen – Red
Kelli Bergen – White
Megan Friesen
Brandon Boardman 

Ag Sales
Michael Brune – Blue
Seth Schaldecker – Red
Brielle van den Berg
Miranda Janzen

Casey Goertzen – Red
Spencer Friesen
Brandon Friesen
Brent Regier

Tanner Steingard
Andrew Spader
Brenan Erb
Rick Siebert

Natural Resources
Brian Barr
Bradley Morton
Cort Regier
Trey Vlieger

Andrea Boardman received: State Champion with her Agricultural Service Placement Proficiency, Finalist for State Fair in Placement and a Gold in Job Interview.

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