Home Living Heartland Elementary Inspired by Julia Sullivan

Heartland Elementary Inspired by Julia Sullivan


 Who can imagine growing up without any arms or legs?  Heartland elementary students learned firsthand from Julia Sullivan, a sophomore student at Aurora High School, last Friday morning.  Julia is not your typical 15 year old girl, however, this has not stopped her from enjoying life and living it to the fullest.  For this reason, Heartland elementary teachers Mrs. Steever & Mrs. Ratzlaff thought it would be a good idea to invite Julia to come talk to the students about her life and how much she has had to overcome.
Although she faces adversity everyday of her life, it does not stop her from having fun and being a kid.  Despite having to rely on a wheelchair to get around she participates in numerous activities and is involved in so much and, yet, still strives to do more.  

A few activities Julia enjoys are dance, gymnastics, the spelling bee, a member of ‘future problems solvers’, 4-H, swimming, marching and concert band, where she plays percussion instruments. She also participates in the Nebraska Youth Leadership Council, Speech, choir, student council, working as a crossing guard, and has also tried out for cheerleading and swing choir.  In Physical Education, she holds the record for the flex arm hang.

Julia truly inspires and motivates.  She spoke about her plans for the future as she would like to be able to drive, go to college, and become a fashion designer.  Most importantly, she wants to continue to follow her dreams.

Although Julia was born without arms and legs, she makes up for it in heart, passion and her love for life.  She can truly be looked upon as a phenomenal person with rays of hope beaming from her.  Her outlook on life is beautiful, just like herself.  

Below is a short video clip and photos of Julia’s presentation to the Heartland Elementary.

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