Local Athletes Compete in Annual Street Vault
This past month on June 25th former track standout and track coach Corbin Tessman and soon to be Heartland senior Michael Brune took their...
2011 Jaunt Results [PHOTOS]
Click here to Visit Gallery & purchase photos
5K MEN – Overall winner: Reece Landenberger, Wichita, KS 18:01
Under 15: #1 – Coby Steingard,35:31.
20-29: #1 –...
Junior Golf Camp at Galaway Creek [PHOTOS]
This past month 25 kids from ages 8-14 headed out to Henderson's Galaway Creek Golf Course to attend this year's Junior Golf Camp. Â The...
Encourage Runners – Drive With Caution
The fifth annual HHCS Junior Auxiliary Jaunt will commence at 7:30 a.m. this Saturday during the Henderson Community Days celebration.  The 5K, 10K and one...
Midwest Chaos State Champions!
Congratulations to the Midwest Chaos 14U team who won the state championship silver division in Council Bluffs this past weekend! The championship game was...
Heartland Hosts Basketball Team Camp [PHOTOS]
As five other Boy’s High School teams rolled into Henderson on Thursday, June 16th, Coach Jonathan Baehr got his own team ready for some...
Driewer/Glunz Represent at All-Star Game
The third annual Tribune Volleyball Classic was held last Thursday, June 16th at the Hastings College’s Lynn Farrell Arena.  Heartland’s volleyball program was represented...
A Night at the Henderson Ballfields [PHOTOS]
If you happened to drive by the Henderson Ballfields Tuesday night you may have noticed quite a bit of action. There was a double...