Friday, March 14, 2025


Home Sports Page 132

Sutton Repeats as Class C State Baseball Champions [PHOTO]

Congratulations to Henderson's Lincoln Ruybalid and the Sutton Legion baseball team who took the Class C state championship for the 2nd year in a...

Community Days Jaunt Run 2012 [RESULTS] [PHOTOS]

Here are the results and photos from the Community Days 2012 HHCS Jr. Auxiliary Jaunt Run. Overall Men's Run: 5K - Eric Rassmussen 15:35 10K - Courtney...

Youth Football Program to Begin

Henderson Youth Football sign up for the 4th, 5th and 6th graders will be Monday, July 23rd at 8:00 p.m. or after the MB...

Community Days 2-Man Scramble [RESULTS]

The annual 2-man scramble golf tournament at Galaway Creek Golf Course took place this past weekend during the Q125 Henderson Community Days. A total...

2nd Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament [RESULTS] [PHOTOS]

This year's second annual Alumni Basketball Tournament was secured again by the late 90's, congratulations for taking 1st for the second year standing. Five teams...

Henderson 14U Girls Win Championship [PHOTO]

Congratulations to the Henderson 14 & Under Girls Softball team on winning the championship game in the South Central League tournament last Thursday June...

Lil’ Huskie Summer Basketball Camp [PHOTOS]

Over 60 Heartland students in 2nd - 6th grade gathered in the Heartland New Gym the week after school to participate in the annual...

Summer Sports in Full Swing [TEAM PHOTOS]

The Henderson Recreation Department is in full swing with youth baseball & softball for the summer. Here is a look at this year's teams &...