Thursday, March 20, 2025


Home Sports Page 110

Heartland Volleyball Starts Season 2-0 in Triangular [STATS] [PHOTO]

The Heartland Huskie Volleyball Team couldn't have asked for a better start to their season. They won both of their games in a triangular...

Football: Heartland vs Shelby-RC at 7:00PM [LIVE STREAM]

The Huskie Football team begins their season this evening as they host the Shelby-RC Huskies. Kickoff will be at 7:00PM. You can watch the...

Volleyball: Heartland Triangular (Sandy Creek & Wilber-Clatonia) [LIVE STREAM]

The Heartland Volleyball kicks off their season tonight as they host a Triangular with the Wilber-Clatonia Wolverines and the Sandy Creek Cougars. Heartland will...

Heartland Competes in Girls Golf Dual with Exeter-Milligan [RESULTS] [PHOTOS]

The Heartland Girls Golf Team competed in a dual with Exeter Milligan on Tuesday, September 3.  See below for results and photos. Heartland Individual 1 Paige Mestl 47 1 Paige Mestl 47 2 Kaeli...

Heartland Volleyball and Football Scrimmages Tonight

Come get a sneak peak at this year's Heartland Volleyball and Football Teams tonight, August 29, at their annual scrimmages. The girls will be scrimmaging...

Huskie Fall Sports 2013 Team Pictures

Photos courtesy of Deb Mierau

Huskie Football Holds 1st Practice of the Season [PHOTOS]

The Heartland Huskie Football team hit the field yesterday as they held their 1st practice of the season. Coach Wetjen said that they currently...

New Champions Named for the 3rd Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament [PHOTO]...

Henderson Community Days was full of action and excitement, and it was no different story at the Heartland School Gym where the 3rd Annual...