Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Apr. 14: Youth Virtual Field Tour of US Meat Animal Research Center,Register by clicking on this link: 14: Streaming On-Farm Research Webinar on Soybean Yield...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Italicized items may be available via remote access. Please click on the link or call for information.Apr. 8: Yonts Water Conference, Gering Civic Center, GeringApr....
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Italicized items may be available via remote access. Please click on the link or call for information.Apr. 2: Chemigation Training, 1:30 pm, Fairgrounds, Holdrege, (308)...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Italicized items may be available via remote access. Please click on the link or call for information.Apr. 2: Chemigation Training, 1:30 pm, Fairgrounds, Holdrege, (308)...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Italicized items may be available via remote access. Please click on the link or call for information.Apr. 2: Chemigation Training, 1:30 pm, Fairgrounds, Holdrege, (308)...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Mar 9: Pesticide Training, 6 pm, Lincoln, Extension OfficeMar. 9: Beef Quality Assurance, 6-8 p.m., Community Center, Red CloudMar 10: Pesticide Training, 9 am, Lincoln, Extension...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Mar. 2: On-Farm Research Brainstorming meeting, 9 a.m.-Noon, 4-H Bldg, York. RSVP: jrees2@unl.eduMar. 2: Annie's Inspired Workshop for Women: Mental Health, Stress, Leadership, Civic Center, Seward,...
Extension Update by Jenny Rees
Upcoming Events:
Feb. Farm Finance & Ag Law Clinics
Feb. 24: Ag Land Management Mtg., 9 a.m., Extension Office, KearneyFeb 24: Dicamba Training, 10 am, Aurora, FairgroundsFeb 24: Pesticide...