Monday, March 31, 2025


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Higher Ground – “Education & Learning Never Stops” from Pastor David...

Families have recently finished the process for starting the upcoming school year with their children. Students are currently studying algebra, biology, calculus, chemistry, geography,...

Prayer at the Playground

The annual Prayer at the Playground was held last Thursday at Heartland Community School's opening day.

Higher Ground – “The Rest of the Book” from Pastor Peter...

Read this spiritual message from Pastor Peter Coon about Revelations 1 & 2.

Higher Ground – “Spiritual Growth” Message from Pastor Robert Stretch

This month's column is by retired Pastor Robert Stretch, who formerly was at Faith Evangelical Bible Church. Higher Ground is our monthly column featuring spiritual messages from area pastors and teachers.

Higher Ground – Spiritual Message from Pastor Rick Bartek on Psalm...

Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and amen! (Psalm 72:19 ESV) We all live our...

Higher Ground – Mother’s Day and Proverbs 31: What’s the Real...

I’ve preached many a sermon on Mother’s Day—usually with expectation and delight since most mothers in the congregation would insist on attending church that...

Henderson Heritage to Present Reenactment of “Living the Anabaptist Story”

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the first Mennonite immigrants' arrival in the Henderson area in 1874, Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park will feature a reenactment of the Anabaptist story.

MUMS: How to Live Deeply in Our Divine Design

Karen Goertzen will be speaking at the Monday, April 8 MUMS meeting at Faith Evangelical Bible Church at 7 p.m.