Home Agriculture Agriculture news Corn Country Pheasants Forever Annual Banquet

Corn Country Pheasants Forever Annual Banquet


Get your tickets for the Pheasants Forever banquet coming up on March 15!

Corn Country Pheasants Forever will have their 32nd annual banquet on March 15 from 5 to 10 p.m. at the Cornerstone Ag Event Center in York. The funds raised are used for youth education and outdoor experiences, including Milkweed in the Classroom education, the fourth-grade citywide pollinator project at the wellfield east of York.

Pheasants Forever has also purchased a second no-till drill that is used to create habitat around the area. Pheasants Forever funds also go toward salaries for 30 statewide biologists working either with landowners, wildlife restoration projects, obtaining public access and prescribed burns.

There are several ways to get tickets: www.pheasantsforever.org or by calling Bricen at (740) 995-3875, Tom at (402) 745-0057 or Rodger at (402) 366-5604.