Home News Henderson City Council January 2025 Minutes

Henderson City Council January 2025 Minutes


The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska was held at 7:00 p.m. on January 13, 2025 at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska.  Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall and published in the January 9, 2025, Henderson News.  

Mayor Corbin Tessman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Mayor Tessman declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and having received related information. Mayor Tessman referred to the open meetings law poster and stated if a member of the public wishes to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the public forum period. The public may request the item to be placed on a future agenda for deliberation and/or action.  

During the public forum period, speakers will be given five minutes to address the Board. The public should be aware that the Board is unable, by law, to deliberate or act on the items raised during the public forum period.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Corbin Tessman.  Council members: Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen and Teri Pollet. 

Minutes from the December 9, 2024 meeting were reviewed. Kevin Friesen made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Brian Hiebner seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

Teri Pollet made a motion to pay the claims as presented. Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

Two building permits were issued since the last meeting—Coty Noe for a shed and Lowell Hiebner for a fence.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to convene as the Community Development Agency (CDA).  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to approve CDA Resolution #2025-01. The resolution allows an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan of the City of Henderson; the implementation of a specific phase of a redevelopment project in the redevelopment area; the authorization of the use of tax increment financing; the adoption of the cost benefit analysis for said phase; the authorization and approval of a redevelopment agreement for the phase of the redevelopment project; and to take other actions required or permitted under the Community Development Law for Providence Subdivision for Lot 6.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner.  Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve the Amended and Restated Cost Benefit Analysis for Lot 6 of the Providence Subdivision Redevelopment.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Kevin Friesen.  Motion carried.  

Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve the Amended and Restated Plan Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for Lot 6 in the Providence Subdivision.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve the Redevelopment Agreement for Lot 6 in the Providence Subdivision with Steven and LaRee Eckman. Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to approve the Purchase Agreement for Lot 6 in the Providence Subdivision with Steven and LaRee Eckman in the amount of $8,465. Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to reconvene as city council.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner.  Motion carried.

Nine bids were opened on December 17, 2024 at City Hall for the Henderson Highland Addition Infrastructure Improvements.  Total base bid ranged from $2,305,961.00 to $2,581,710.90 and the alternate bid ranged from $2,173,137.50 to $2,549,466.75.  Base bid included incorporating fly ash in paving sub-grade and alternate bid included incorporating crushed concrete fines in paving sub-grade. After discussion with the engineer Reed Miller, Brian Hiebner made a motion to authorize Miller and Associates to prepare the contract documents with Van Kirk Brothers Contracting for the alternate bid price of $2,173,137.50 for the Highland Addition Infrastructure Improvements with substantial completion for November 2025.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

The council reviewed the additional utility easement requests for Highland Additional from Perennial Public Power District, Black Hills Energy and Mainstay Communications.  The clerk will forward the requests to the engineers for an amendment document to be created for the additional easements. No formal action taken.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to accept Johnnie and Lori Steingard’s request for the lump sum payout of $25,000 for obtaining agricultural land per Resolution 2023-06 dated July 11, 2023.  Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner approved the office cleaning agreement for Jaelyn Brown to clean City Hall and the Police Station.  Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Kevin Friesen.  Motion carried.

Sargent Drilling’s estimate for a VFD, water level probe and chemical feed equipment was reviewed.  After discussion, Brian Hiebner made a motion to table the agenda item until the February meeting to clarify if electrical was included in the price.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to hire a company to update the employee handbook.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

At 7:53 p.m., Kevin Friesen made a motion to convene into executive session to negotiate a price on a lot for the next Rural Workforce Housing (RWFH) project and to negotiate with adjacent farmer for an access road to the Highland Addition Infrastructure Improvement Project.  Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

At 8:12 p.m., Teri Pollet made a motion to reconvene into regular session.  Brian Hiebner seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

Reports were given.  No formal action taken.

Teri Pollet made a motion to adjourn.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Kevin Friesen, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

Corbin A. Tessman, Mayor

Connie Brown, City Clerk