Home News City of Henderson December Minutes

City of Henderson December Minutes


City of Henderson December 2024 Minutes submitted by City Clerk Connie Brown

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska, was held at 7:00 p.m. on December 9, 2024, at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska.  Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall and published in the December 5, 2024, Henderson News.  

Mayor Corbin Tessman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Mayor Tessman declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and having received related information. Mayor Tessman referred to the open meetings law poster and stated if a member of the public wishes to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the public forum period. The public may request the item to be placed on a future agenda for deliberation and/or action.  

During the public forum period, speakers will be given five minutes to address the Board. The public should be aware that the Board is unable, by law, to deliberate or act on the items raised during the public forum period.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Corbin Tessman.  Council members: Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen and Teri Pollet. 

Minutes from the November 12, 2024 meeting were reviewed. Kevin Friesen made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

Mitch Huxoll made a motion to pay the claims as presented and to include the Cantrell Truck and Equipment Repair invoice in the amount of $5,933.76 for repairs on the Case Payloader. Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Mitch Huxoll, Kevin Friesen, Brian Hiebner and Teri Pollet. Motion carried.

Two building permits were issued since the last meeting—Rick Siebert for a mailbox and Corbin Tessman for storage containers located in the Industrial Park.

The third and final reading was held for Ordinance #461, an ordinance to increase water rates.  Brian Hiebner made a motion to adopt Ordinance #461 to increase water rates by 3% starting January 1, 2025.  Teri Pollet seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet, Kevin Friesen and Mitch Huxoll.  Motion carried.

The third and final reading was held for Ordinance #462, an ordinance to increase sewer rates.  Brian Hiebner made a motion to adopt Ordinance #462 to increase sewer rates by 3% starting January 1, 2025.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll call: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-11, a resolution to authorize the Mayor to sign the Year-End Certification of Street Superintendent for 2024.  Mitch Huxoll seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner.  Motion carried.

After reviewing the Well #2 Contract from Sargent Drilling, Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve the contract to drill a 16″ x 205′ municipal well with a 500 GPM submersible pump and a 6″ discharge pipe in the amount of $308,401.  Kevin Friesen seconded.  Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet.  Motion carried.  This contract does not include electrical, NDEE review fee, site work, seeding or generator.  

At 7:15 p.m., Mayor Tessman opened the public hearing to hear opposition, support or concerns for the following application submitted by the City of Henderson for re-zoning from R2 – Medium Density Residential District to F1 – Flex District for property located at Henderson Irrigation Subdivision, Midwest Addition, Part of IR Tr #39, Mainstay Subdivision and County Road Right-of-Way.  The clerk explained when the council hired Marvin Planning Consultants to update the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Regulations, this area was zoned incorrectly and needed to be re-zoned to allow the existing businesses to be in compliance with zoning regulations.

At 7:20 p.m., Mayor Tessman closed the public hearing.