Home Events Heartland National Honor Society Concludes Toy Drive

Heartland National Honor Society Concludes Toy Drive


Heartland NHS members delivering toys to Children’s Hospital from L to R: Lexi Inglsbee, Lydia Jahnke, and Siddalee Kliewer – courtesy photo

Heartland NHS Press Release

The 4th Annual Heartland National Honor Society Toy Drive to benefit the Children’s Hospital of Nebraska concluded Saturday morning when organizers Lydia Jahnke (Senior) and Siddalee Kliewer (Senior), along with Lexi Inglsbee (Junior) and sponsor Heidi Ruhl delivered 288 toys to the hospital.

Thanks to the generous donations from students, staff, community members, and businesses in and around Henderson, this year’s donation was almost 100 more toys than last year.  This event was first organized by Heartland student Lisa Buller in 2021 and has continued to grow each year. Sincere thank you to everyone who donated.